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the characters and pinyin
Includes 50 Grammar Points
🌿 Adverbs
- On the basis of (凭 píng)
- Expressing the unexpected (竟然 jìngrán and 居然 jūrán)
- Adverbs for Degree 1
(过于 guòyú, 稍微 shāowēi, and 尤其 yóuqí)
- “Mostly” in Chinese (大都 dàdōu)
- Secretly (偷偷 tōutōu)
- “Again” in Chinese 2 (再次 zàicì)
- “Indeed” in Chinese 4 (可 kě)
- “After all” in Chinese (毕竟 bìjìng)
- “Finally” in Chinese 2 (总算 zǒngsuàn)
- Enough to reach a certain extent (够 gòu… 的 de)
🌿 Auxiliary verbs
- May as well (也好 yěhǎo)
🌿 Time Adverbs
- Adverbs of Frequency 2
(时刻 shíkè, 时常 shícháng, 偶尔 ǒu‘ěr, and 不时 bùshí)
- “Still” in Chinese 3 (依然 yīrán)
- “Still” in Chinese 4 (仍旧 réngjiù and 依旧 yījiù)
- “Always” in Chinese 2 (一向 yíxiàng)
- Expressing Future in Chinese 2
(将 jiāng 1, 将会 jiānghuì and 将要 jiāngyào)
- “Simply” in Chinese 2 (干脆 gāncuì)
- “Obviously” in Chinese (明明 míngmíng)
- “Indeed” in Chinese 3 (倒是 dàoshì 1)
🌿 Verbs
- “Until” in Chinese (到 dào… 为止 wéizhǐ)
🌿 Preposition
- “According to” in Chinese 3 (依照 yīzhào and 依据 yījù)
- Along with (随着 suízhe)
🌿 Measure word
- Measure Words Part 5 (册 cè, 朵 duǒ, 幅 fú, 届 jiè, 颗 kē, 匹 pī, 扇 shàn)
🌿 Conjunctions
- “Thus” in Chinese (从而 cóng‘ér)
- “Moreover” in Chinese 3 (加上 jiāshang)
🌿 Complements
🌿 Patterns
- “Even If” in Chinese 3 (即使 jíshǐ or 哪怕 nǎpà···也 yě···)
- “Once” in Chinese 2 (一旦 yídàn···就 jiù···)
- Although (尽管 jǐnguǎn···可是 kěshì or 但是 dànshì···)
- Unless (除非 chúfēi···否则 fǒuzé or 要不然 yàobùrán)
- Advanced Comparisons 1 (跟 gēn···相比 xiāngbǐ)
- Only if (除非 chúfēi···才 cái)
- In order to (為 wèi… 而 ér)
🌿 Common Phrases
- Showing Perspective 2 (在 zài···看来 kànlái and 从 cóng···来看 láikàn)
- Giving An Example (拿 ná… 来说 láishuō)
- Emphasizes the individuality within a group (A 的 de A,B 的 de B)