Grammar Point:
The Chinese word 毕竟 bìjìng is commonly used to emphasize a fact or reason, often suggesting that something is understandable or inevitable because of certain circumstances. It can be translated into English as “after all,” “in the end,” or “as expected.” It is used both in spoken and written Chinese.
毕竟 bìjìng + Fact + Conclusion
Conclusion + 毕竟 bìjìng + Fact
To express a conclusion or justification based on prior facts:
After all, he is a teacher, so of course he knows more than us.
After all, this is a bestseller, so the content must be good.
After all, you’re new, making mistakes is normal.
The prices at this store are a bit high, after all, it’s brand-name stuff.
毕竟 bìjìng + Condition + what you should do
To emphasize something that is obvious or clear because of a certain condition:
We are friends after all, we should help each other.
After all, I’ve been studying Chinese for so long, I can’t give up so easily.
After all, he’s an adult, so he should be responsible for his actions.
After all, you’re my student, so I will definitely stand by you.
Common Combination
虽然 suīrán…,但 dàn…,毕竟 bìjìng…
This structure often implies an idea that the situation is understandable or reasonable, even though there may have been challenges or contradictions.
Although he’s very young, he has a lot of experience, after all, he’s been working for five years.
* Despite his young age (contrast), the truth is that his experience is significant because he’s been working for a long time (inevitable fact).
Although you’re very busy, you are my friend, after all, you should help me.
* Even though you’re busy (contrast), the reality is that as my friend (inevitable reason), you should help.
The sentence above is a perfect example of what we call 情勒 qínglè. It’s a colloquial term in Chinese that combines 情 (emotion, affection) with 勒 (to force or constrain). Essentially, 情勒 qínglè refers to a situation where someone emotionally manipulates or pressures another person, usually in relationships, by making them feel guilty or obligated to do something. It’s a form of emotional blackmail, where one person uses their feelings or affection to manipulate the other into complying with their wishes.
Although he just moved to this city, he has learned Chinese, after all, he will adapt quickly.
* Despite being new to the city (contrast), the fact that he knows Chinese (inevitable reason) will help him adapt quickly.
Although you did really well, I’m the boss, after all, I can make the final decision.
雖然我很不喜歡你,但你畢竟付了我不少學費,我只好每次上課都說我最愛你虽然我很不喜欢你,但你毕竟付了我不少学费,我只好每次上课都说我最爱你 🤪
Although I really don’t like you, after all you’ve paid me a lot of tuition, so I have no choice but to say you’re my favorite student.
Although I haven’t really studied Chinese, after all, I’ve been with my Chinese girlfriend for 10 years, so I still know quite a bit of Chinese.
Although drinking bubble tea can make you gain weight, after all, I exercised for 3 hours, so drinking one cup shouldn’t be a big deal, right?