Grammar Point:
In this article, we are going to introduce the following Chinese measure words: 册 cè, 朵 duǒ, 幅 fú, 届 jiè, 顆 kē, 匹 pī, 扇 shàn

册 (cè)
This is a measure word in Chinese used to indicate a collection of written or printed materials, such as books, albums, or bound volumes. It is commonly used when referring to one specific volume or part of a set.
一册书 yí cè shū
one volume of a book
三册字典 sān cè zìdiǎn
three volumes of dictionaries
Zhè tào shū yígòng yǒu wǔ cè.
This set of books has five volumes.

朵 (duǒ)
This is a measure word in Chinese used for individual flowers, clouds, or other objects with a distinct, rounded shape, typically ones that can be seen as “blooming” or “floating.”
一朵花 yì duǒ huā
one flower
几朵云 jǐ duǒ yún
several clouds
Tiānshàng piāozhe yì duǒ báiyún.
A white cloud is floating in the sky.

幅 (fú)
This is a measure word in Chinese used for flat, broad objects such as paintings, drawings, maps, or pieces of fabric. It is often used to highlight the display or artistic nature of these items.
一幅画 yì fú huà
one painting
两幅地图 liǎng fú dìtú
two maps
Zhè fú huà hěn yǒumíng.
This painting is very famous.

届 (jiè)
This is a measure word in Chinese used to refer to periods or sessions of recurring events, such as conferences, competitions, or terms of office. It indicates a specific iteration within a sequence.
第一届比赛 dì yī jiè bǐsài
the first competition
本届会议 běn jiè huìyì
this session of the conference
Wǒ shì dì 27 jiè bìyèshēng.
I am a graduate of the 27th cohort.

颗 (kē)
This is a measure word in Chinese used for small, round objects like seeds, grains, stars, or even things like teeth or hearts.
一颗糖 yī kē táng
one piece of candy
几颗星 jǐ kē xīng
a few stars
Tā diàole yī kē yá.
He lost a tooth.

匹 (pǐ)
This is a measure word in Chinese used to count horses or bolts of fabric. It is traditionally associated with horses, donkeys or long, uncut pieces of material.
一匹驴 yì pǐ lǘ
one donkey
几匹布 jǐ pǐ bù
a few bolts of fabric
Zhè pǐ mǎ pǎo de hěn kuài.
This horse runs very fast.

扇 (shàn)
This is a measure word in Chinese used for doors, windows, or fans (both hand-held and mechanical).
一扇门 yí shàn mén
one door
两扇窗 liǎng shàn chuāng
two windows
Tā dǎkāile yí shàn chuānghù.
She opened a window.
- Measure words part 1
( ge, 位 wèi, 本 běn, 杯 bēi, 枝 zhī, 瓶 píng, 罐 guàn, kuài)
- Measure words part 2
(份 fèn, 张 zhāng, 辆 liàng, 件 jiàn, 只 zhī, 条 tiáo, 双 shuāng, 种 zhǒng)
- Measure Words Part 3
(把 bǎ, 行 háng, 架 jià, 群 qún, 束 shù, 台 tái, 家 jiā, 页 yè)
- Measure Words Part 4
(打 dǎ, 袋 dài, 根 gēn, 卷 juǎn, 棵 kē, 批 pī)