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the characters and pinyin
Includes 59 Grammar Points
🌿 Adverbs
- Adverbs for Adjective 4 (格外 géwài, 极 jí, and 极其 jíqí)
- Expressing the unexpected (竟然 jìngrán and 居然 jūrán)
- Showing wonder (究竟 jiùjing)
- Indeed 2 (的确 díquè)
- On the contrary (反而 fǎn‘ér)
- However (却 què)
- Almost (几乎 jīhū)
- Seems (似乎 sìhū)
- In total (共 gòng)
- Always (从来 cónglái 2)
- Repeatedly (一再 yízài and 再三 zàisān)
- Not necessary (未必 wèibì)
- Maybe (说不定 shuōbudìng)
🌿 Auxiliary verbs
- That’s all (而已 éryǐ)
🌿 Time Adverbs
- On time and ASAP (按时 ànshí & 尽快 jǐnkuài)
- About to (即将 jíjiāng)
- In a hurry (急忙 jímáng)
- Gradually (渐渐 jiànjiàn)
🌿 Verbs
- Must (得 děi)
- Showing Perspective 1 (看来 kànlái)
- Consists of (由 yóu…组成 zǔchéng)
🌿 Preposition
- Regarding (关于 guānyú and 对于 duìyú)
- “According to” in Chinese 2 (根据 gēnjù)
- Instead of (替 tì and 代替 dàitì)
- As (作为 zuòwéi)
- Since and ever since (自 zì…以来 yǐlái)
🌿 Numbers and Measure word
- Measure Words Part 4 (打 dǎ, 袋 dài, 根 gēn, 卷 juǎn, 棵 kē, 批 pī)
🌿 Conjunctions
- Since A then B (既然 jìrán)
- Indicate (可见 kějiàn)
- ”Even“ in Chinese 1 (甚至 shènzhì)
- Moreover 2 (此外 cǐwài)
- And 2 (以及 yǐjí and 并 bìng 2)
- Otherwise 1 (要不然 yàob rán)
- Otherwise 2 (否则 fǒuzé)
- And then (于是 yúshì)
- Both… and… (既 jì… 又 yòu/ 也 yě…)
- However (然而 rán‘ér)
- Whereas (而 ér)
- if… then… (假如 jiǎrú and 万一 wànyī)
- “Even if” in Chinese 1 (哪怕 nǎpà)
🌿 Complements
🌿 Pronouns
- Referring to other people (人家 rénjiā)
🌿 Patterns
- Passive sentences 2 (被 bèi)
- No matter (不管 bùguǎn/无论 wúlùn/不论 búlùn…都 dōu…)
- Each is increasingly more (一 yī MW 比 bǐ 一 yī MW)
- Not… but rather… (不是 búshì …而是 érshì…)
- Explaining purpose (为 wèi… 而 ér…)
- “Even if” in Chinese 2 (不 bù… 也 yě…)
- “Even” in Chinese 2 (连 lián…也 yě/都 dōu)
- “A bit too” in Chinese (Adj 了 点(儿) le diǎn(r))
🌿 Common Phrases
- “Supposed to” in Chinese (本来就 běnláijiù)
- On the topic of (在 zài…方面 fāngmiàn and 在 zài…上 shàng/中 zhōng/下 xià)
- Generally speaking (一般来说 yìbānláishuō)