Grammar Point:
In this article, we are going to introduce the following Chinese measure words: 打 dǎ, 袋 dài, 根 gēn, 卷 juǎn, 棵 kē, 批 pī.

打 (dǎ)
打 dǎ is a measure word used for various objects that are usually hit or struck, such as balls, eggs, cans, etc. It is similar to the English measure word “a dozen” which is used to indicate a certain quantity of items.
一打牛奶 Yì dǎ niúnǎi
A dozen cartons of milk
一打鸡蛋 Yì dǎ jīdàn
A dozen of eggs
两打啤酒 Liǎng bǎ píjiǔ
Two dozens of beer

袋 (dài)
袋 dài is a measure word that is used to quantify bags or pouches of something. It is similar to the English measure word “a bag of” or “a pouch of” which is used to indicate a certain quantity of items that are packaged in bags or pouches.
一袋糖果 Yì dài tángguǒ
A bag of candy
一袋大米 Yì dài dàmǐ
A bag of rice
三袋咖啡豆 sān dài kāfēidòu
Three bags of coffee beans

根 (gēn)
根 gēn is a measure word used to quantify long, thin, and solid objects, such as carrots, cigarette, or cables. It is similar to the English measure word “a piece of” or “a length of” which is used to indicate a certain quantity of long and thin objects.
一根香蕉 Yì gēn xiāngjiāo
A banana
一根黄瓜 Yì gēn huángguā
A cucumber
两根电缆 Liǎng gēn diànlǎn
Two cables

卷 (juǎn)
卷 juǎn is a measure word used to quantify long and cylindrical objects, such as paper rolls, film reels, or clothes. It is similar to the English measure word “a roll of” or “a reel of” which is used to indicate a certain quantity of long and cylindrical object.
一卷胶片 Yì juǎn jiāopiàn
A roll of film
一卷纸 Yì juǎn zhǐ
A roll of pape
三卷线 sān juǎn xiàn
Three rolls of thread

棵 (kē)
棵 kē is a measure word used to quantify trees, and saplings. It is similar to the English measure word “a tree of” which is used to indicate a certain quantity of trees.
一棵树 Yì kē shù
A tree
一棵小树苗 Yì kē xiǎo shùmiáo
A small sapling
两棵苹果树 Liǎng kē píngguǒ shù
Two apple trees

批 (pī)
批 pī is a measure word used to quantify batches or groups of items or people, such as documents, goods, customers, or products. It is similar to the English measure word “a batch of” or “a group of” which is used to indicate a certain quantity of items.
一批文件 Yì pī wénjiàn
A batche of documents
一批货 Yì pī huò
A batch of goods
三批学生 sān pī xuéshēng
Three groups of students
- Measure words part 1
(个 ge, 位 wèi, 本 běn, 杯 bēi, 枝 zhī, 瓶 píng, 罐 guàn, 块 kuài)
- Measure words part 2
(份 fèn, 张 zhāng, 辆 liàng, 件 jiàn, 只 zhī, 条 tiáo, 双 shuāng, 种 zhǒng)
- Measure Words Part 3
(把 bǎ, 行 háng, 架 jià, 群 qún, 束 shù, 台 tái, 家 jiā, 页 yè)