Grammar Point:
The passive sentence in Chinese is called 被字句 bèizìjù. It is used to construct passive structures and can introduce either the doer of the action or the action itself. In this article, we are going to practice how to avoid mentioning the “doer” of the action.
What is Passive Sentence
The passive sentence is formed when the subject of a sentence is the receiver of the action described by the verb. It is the opposite of an active sentence, where the subject performs the action. For example:
Active Sentence | Passive Sentence |
弟弟喝了咖啡弟弟喝了咖啡 My brother drank coffee. | 咖啡被弟弟喝了咖啡被弟弟喝了 Coffee was drunk by my brother. |
狗咬了我狗咬了我 The dog bit me. | 我被狗咬了我被狗咬了 I was bitten by a dog. |
小偷偷走了包包小偷偷走了包包 The thief stole the bag. | 包包被小偷偷走了包包被小偷偷走了 The bag was stolen by a thief. |
When to Use Passive Sentences
- When you want to indicate that someone has been negatively affected or the result is unexpected.
The bag was stolen by a thief.
I didn’t expect to be complimented by my teacher.
- When you want to avoid mentioning the “doer” of the action.
The bag was stolen.
S + 被 + V + Something
This something is very important. It can either be a complement, an additional object, or just 了le.
Mr. Wang was invited to a meeting.
The cake was eaten.
The cake was eaten up.
The book I wanted was borrowed.
The painting was purchased.
Your cake was thrown away.
Negation and Adverbs
You should always place negation words and adverbs in front of 被 bèi, 叫 jiào, 让 ràng in Chinese sentences.
Good thing you didn’t break the cup.
The lights in the classroom were already turned off.
Bad people like that should be jailed.
You cannot form a question using 被不被 bèibúbèi. However, you can use question particles like 吗 ma, question words, or 是不是 shìbúshì to form questions.
Have you been beaten?
Have you been beaten?
What have you been hit with?
Hey there! Let me tell you a little bit about our culture here. In the past, Taiwan had a practice of using physical punishment in schools and homes. However, I’m happy to inform you that those days are long gone, and such practices have been banned.
Nowadays, we focus more on creating a nurturing and supportive environment for our children and promoting positive discipline methods. It’s important to mention that this topic of physical punishment is still sometimes brought up in conversations among people. They might casually ask each other, “What have you been hit with?”
Please don’t be alarmed if you come across such discussions. It’s just a way for older generations to reminisce about their own experiences and reflect on how times have changed. It’s not something that happens today, and it certainly doesn’t reflect the values and practices of modern Taiwan.
TouchHover over the space to see the answers.

Half of the bread was eaten.

The letter in the bottle was taken out.

The treasure box was opened.
- The Passive Sentence 1 (HSK 3)
- The Passive Sentence 3 给 gěi (HSK 6)
- The Passive Sentence 4 (Advanced) (HSK 7-9)