Grammar Point:
There are three ways to express “no matter” in Chinese. 不管 bùguǎn, 无论 wúlùn, and 不论 búlùn. 不管 bùguǎn and 不论 búlùn are less formal than 无论 wúlùn.
Adding Question Word
不管/無論/不論 … +Question word,都…不管/无论/不论 … +Question word,都…
- Question Words:
- 什么 (shénme) what
- 谁 (shéi) who
- 哪 (nǎ) which
- 哪儿 (nǎr) where
- 什么时候 (shénme shíhou) when
- 为什么 (wèi shénme) why ❌
- 怎么 (zěn me) how
- 怎么样 (zěnme yàng) how is it
- 几 (jǐ) how many; how much
- 多少 (duō shǎo) how many; how much
No matter what the weather is like, he will walk his dog.
No matter where you are, I will find you.
No matter how many doses of the vaccine you have received, you may still get Covid.
I don’t want to hear what you have to say, no matter what.
No matter where you want to go, I can take you there.
Adding A-A
不管/無論/不論 … + A-A,都…不管/无论/不论 … + A-A,都…
* Usually one syllable adjective words*
No matter what the weather is like, he will walk his dog.
No matter you like it or not, you need to accept it.
No matter what time of day it is, he is studying.
You look great no matter the length of your hair.
Adding A háishì B
不管/無論/不論 … + A 還是 B,都…不管/无论/不论 … + A 还是 B,都…
No matter what the weather is like, he will walk his dog.
It doesn’t matter whether she is poor or rich, I will still love her.
Whether single or married, everyone should live happily.
Whether you succeed or fail, it’s a valuable experience.
Have you ever heard the Chinese idiom “Shībài wéi chénggōng zhī mǔ” (失败为成功之母)? No? Well, it means “failure is the mother of success”. Think of it this way: when you were learning to ride a bike, you might have fallen off a few times, scraped your knees, and felt frustrated. But each time you fell, you learned something new, and eventually, you were able to ride without falling.
That’s the idea behind this idiom. Failure is not the end, but rather a stepping stone to success. So don’t be afraid to speak Chinese and make mistakes. Embrace them, learn from them, and you’ll be on your way to achieving great things! 加油 Jiāyóu!
Adding duō SV
不管/無論/不論 … + 多 SV ,都…不管/无论/不论 … + 多 SV ,都…
No matter what the weather is like, he will walk his dog.
No matter how expensive it is, he is going to buy.
No matter how smart you are, it still takes time to learn Chinese.
Do three of these have the same meaning and function?
Based on the character meaning:
不管 bùguǎn means ‘doesn’t matter’ or ‘don’t care’, while 无论 wúlùn and 不论 búlùn mean ‘no discussion’.
不管 bùguǎn is used to convey that the conditions or requirements are not important and will not affect the outcome. 无论 wúlùn and 不论 búlùn, on the other hand, suggest that the outcome will not change regardless of any conditions or requirements.
Therefore, 不管 bùguǎn is usually followed by a negative requirement or condition, while 无论 wúlùn and 不论 búlùn can be used more freely.
Based on the function:
不管 bùguǎn is the most colloquial and commonly used in conversations. On the other hand, 无论 wúlùn and 不论 búlùn are more frequently used in written language.