Grammar Point:The Chinese grammar pattern “V+了le…就 jiù…” is used to express a sequence of actions, where one action happens right after another. It can be translated as “as soon as” or “right after” in English. Structure V + 了le + 就 + Verb Phrase The two verb phrases can be either affirmative or negative. 他tā吃chī了le早餐zǎocān就jiù開始kāishǐ工作gōngzuò他tā吃chī了le早餐zǎocān就jiù开始kāishǐ工作gōngzuòAfter…
Category: HSK 2
Chinese VO Structure
Why Are Chinese Separable Verbs Important? One of the key reasons is that among the 1,000 commonly used verbs in Modern Chinese, a whopping 685 of them are separable verbs. You’ll frequently come across them, especially in basic words like 睡覺觉 (to sleep), 吃飯饭 (to eat), and 看書书 (to read), when learning Chinese. Knowing which…
Comparison Structure with 得 de
Grammar Point:This Chinese pattern allows you to describe how well or how adjective someone does something, and it can be used for comparisons between two subjects. Structure A 比 bǐ B + Verb + 得 de + Adjective 我wǒ比bǐ我wǒ弟弟dìdi走zǒu得de慢màn我wǒ比bǐ我wǒ弟弟dìdi走zǒu得de慢mànI walk slower than my younger brother. 這zhè種zhǒng狗gǒu比bǐ那nà種zhǒng狗gǒu吃chī得de多duō这zhè种zhǒng狗gǒu比bǐ那nà种zhǒng狗gǒu吃chī得de多duōThis type of dog eats more than that type. 你nǐ的de字zì比bǐ我wǒ妹妹mèimei寫xiě得de難看nánkàn你nǐ的de字zì比bǐ我wǒ妹妹mèimei写xiě得de难看nánkànYour…
Chinese grammar – 把 bǎ 1
Grammar Point:There are 3 functions of 把 bǎ in Chinese. Determination, command, and doing a movement on something that makes a change to it. And since 把 bǎ cannot be translated into English, many English speakers feel awkward using it. But it is a piece of grammar that Chinese native speakers use a lot in…
“Not… but rather…” in Chinese
Grammar Point:This Chinese structure is used to make a contrast, similar to saying “It’s not… but rather…” in English. The pattern is used when you want to correct or clarify something by presenting an alternative or more accurate statement. Structure 不是 + situation A + 而是 + situation B 我wǒ不是búshì不bù同意tóngyì而是érshì聽tīng不bú太tài懂dǒng我wǒ不是búshì不bù同意tóngyì而是érshì听tīng不bú太tài懂dǒngIt’s not that I disagree; I…
Giving an unclear answer in Chinese
Grammar Point:This Chinese grammatical pattern expresses a negation related to an action or choice, often implying a lack of specific intention or avoiding giving a clear answer. Note: When you use this pattern, it sometimes means you don’t want to share the information or you don’t think the listener needs to know. Depending on the…
Chinese Inferior Comparison
Grammar Point:The structure “A 沒有 méiyǒu B 這麼这么 zhème / 那麼那么 nàme Adj” is used to compare two things in Chinese, meaning “A is not as [adjective] as B.” It’s a simple way to say that one thing is less [adjective] than another. Structure A + 沒有 + B + (這麼/这么, 那麼/那么) + Adj. 這麼这么…
Even More – 更 gèng
Grammar Point:In Chinese, 更 gèng is used to indicate a higher degree or intensity, often translated as “even more” or “more” in English. It is typically used before an adjective or verb to intensify the degree of that adjective or verb. Structure S + 更 + Adjective/Verb 我wǒ更gèng想xiǎng吃chī日本rìběn菜cài我wǒ更gèng想xiǎng吃chī日本rìběn菜càiI’d rather have Japanese food. 我wǒ更gèng不bù懂dǒng你nǐ在zài說shuō什麼shénme了le我wǒ更gèng不bù懂dǒng你nǐ在zài说shuō什么shénme了leI’m even more…
About to – 快 kuài…了 le
Grammar Point:The sentential 了 often appears in sentences with adverbs, indicating that something will happen soon. It suggests an imminent change of state. Before you read this post, please make sure you have known what is 了1, 了2, and 了3.If you are not sure about it, you can check this article: 了 Part1 了2 (Sentence particle 了)…
From The Past Until Now – Double 了 le
Grammar Point:The double 了 le + time-duration or number-quantity patterns indicate the completion of an action up to the time of speaking. The action may or may not continue, depending on the context. Before you read this post, please make sure you have known what is 了1, 了2, and 了3.If you are not sure about…