Grammar Point:
In Chinese grammar, 多 duō can be used to express a number in excess of a certain amount by adding it to the end of the number. It is translated as “more than…” in English.
Number + 多 + Measure word + N
We place 多 duō before the measure words when 多 duō is associated with a number bigger than 10.
We have more than ten employees in our company. (under 20)
That mobile phone costs more than thirty thousand dollars. (under 40,000)
This book has more than 150 pages. (under 160)
I have been working on this website for more than 320 days. (under 330)
Most all-you-can-eat restaurants in Taiwan cost more than one thousand NTD dollars. (under 2000)
Welcome to the world of “all-you-can-eat” restaurants (吃到飽 chī dào bǎo) – also known as buffets! It’s like a food adventure where you can indulge in as much deliciousness as your heart desires, all at a fixed price. Taiwan is a haven for buffet lovers with a wide variety of options to choose from. We offer a variety of delicious options like hotpot, barbecue, sushi, seafood, dim sum, and vegetarian buffets. Whether you’re a fan of Asian cuisine or international flavors, there’s something for everyone. So, what are you waiting for? Just search the keywords “吃到飽 chī dào bǎo” and get ready to feast!
I have been studying English for more than 30 years, but I still can’t speak it well. (under 40)
Number + Measure word + 多 (+ 的 N )
We place 多 duō after the measure words when 多 duō is associated with a number smaller than 9.
I have been learning Chinese for more than five months. (under 6)
She drank more than seven beers yesterday. (under 8)
This cup costs just over four dollars. (under 5)
My daughter is over three years old. (under 4)
It takes over two hours to finish watching this movie. (under 3)
TouchHover over the space to see the answers.
✔️ I don’t have enough money. I only have a little over 30 dollars. (under 40)
✔️ I drank more than one bottle of water this morning. (under 2)
✔️ She has over fifteen thousand fans. (under sixteen thousand)