TouchHover over the space to see the answers. Fill in the correct result complements and verbs 你nǐ( 做錯zuòcuò) 了le事shì, 就jiù應該yīnggāi跟gēn人rén道歉dàoqiàn你nǐ( 做错zuòcuò) 了le事shì, 就jiù应该yīnggāi跟gēn人rén道歉dàoqiànYou should apologize when you do something wrong. 爺爺yéye沒有méiyǒu牙齒yáchǐ, 所以suǒyǐ他tā說shuō的de話huà很hěn難nán( 聽懂tīngdǒng) 爷爷yéye没有méiyǒu牙齿yáchǐ, 所以suǒyǐ他tā说shuō的de话huà很hěn难nán( 听懂tīngdǒng) Grandpa doesn’t have teeth, so it’s hard to understand what he’s saying. 打掃dǎsǎo了le一整個yìzhěngge下午xiàwǔ, 終於zhōngyú把bǎ房間fángjiān( 打掃 乾淨dǎsǎo gānjìng) 了le打扫dǎsǎo了le一整个yìzhěngge下午xiàwǔ, 终于zhōngyú把bǎ房间fángjiān(…
Author: tiffany
Compound Direction Complements Practice
TouchHover over the space to see the answers. 1. 我wǒ把bǎ這zhè枝zhī筆bǐ向xiàng你nǐ丟diūOO , 你nǐ能néng接jiē住zhù嗎ma? 我wǒ把bǎ这zhè枝zhī笔bǐ向xiàng你nǐ丢diūOO , 你nǐ能néng接jiē住zhù吗ma? Ans: A – I am going to throw this pen at you, can you catch it? A. 過去guòqù过去guòqù B. 過來guòlái过来guòlái C. 起來qǐlái起来qǐlái D. 下來xiàlái下来xiàlái 2. 他tā把bǎ最後zuìhòu一yì杯bēi酒jiǔ喝hē了leOO 他tā把bǎ最后zuìhòu一yì杯bēi酒jiǔ喝hē了leOO Ans: C – He drank his last glass of wine. A. 起來qǐlái起来qǐlái B….
Direction Complements – Extension Practice
TouchHover over the space to see the answers. 1. 我wǒ妹妹mèimei一yì說shuōOO 這zhè件jiàn事shì就jiù生氣shēngqì我wǒ妹妹mèimei一yì说shuōOO 这zhè件jiàn事shì就jiù生气shēngqìAns: C – My sister is angry when she talks about this matter. A. 出來chūlái出来chūlái B. 上來shànglái上来shànglái C. 起來qǐlái起来qǐlái D. 下來xiàlái下来xiàlái 2. 目前mùqián中國Zhōngguó的de人口rénkǒu比bǐ所有suǒyǒu歐洲ōuzhōu國家guójiā的de人口rénkǒu加jiāOO 還hái要yào多duō目前mùqián中国Zhōngguó的de人口rénkǒu比bǐ所有suǒyǒu欧洲ōuzhōu国家guójiā的de人口rénkǒu加jiāOO 还hái要yào多duōAns: C – China’s population is currently larger than the population of all European countries combined. A. 出來chūlái出来chūlái B. 上來shànglái上来shànglái…
吃土 chītǔ
吃土 chītǔ VO. (Literal meaning is “eating dirt”) It is used to describe someone who is broke or living a frugal lifestyle. It’s like saying “I’m so broke I can’t even afford to buy food, so I have to eat dirt instead!” Of course, no one is actually eating dirt, but it’s a humorous way…
Harder – 才 cái Grammar
Grammar Point:In Chinese, 才 cái can be used to express that something happens harder than expected. It is often used to emphasize the delay or the unexpectedness of a certain event or situation. Structure Unexpected statement + 才 cái + result 我wǒ學xué了le一個月yígeyuè的de西班牙文xībānyáwén了le, 才cái會huì簡單jiǎndān地de打招呼dǎzhāohū我wǒ学xué了le一个月yígeyuè的de西班牙文xībānyáwén了le, 才cái会huì简单jiǎndān地de打招呼dǎzhāohūI’ve been learning Spanish for a month now, and I can only…
才 cái – Disagreement
Grammar Point:The word 才 cái in Chinese can be used in many ways, and one of its functions is to indicate a contrast or disagreement with a previous statement or assumption. When used in this way, 才 cái is often translated as “at all.” Structure Statement + 才 cái + Neg- A: 台灣Táiwān物價wùjià那麼nàme便宜biànyí, 你們nǐmen應該yīnggāi很hěn幸福xìngfú吧ba! A:…
Only 才 cái Grammar
Grammar Point:In Chinese, the word 才 cái can be used to indicate that something is less than expected or insufficient. It is often used to express the speaker’s surprise or dissatisfaction that the quantity or degree is smaller than anticipated. Structure S + 才 cái + V + O 你nǐ去qù超市chāoshì去qù了le2 個ge小時xiǎoshí, 你nǐ才cái買mǎi了le一yì瓶píng水shuǐ嗎ma? 你nǐ去qù超市chāoshì去qù了le2 个ge小时xiǎoshí, 你nǐ才cái买mǎi了le一yì瓶píng水shuǐ吗ma?…
Synonym of Just in Chinese
The words “剛刚 gāng”, “剛刚剛刚 gānggāng” and “剛刚才 gāngcái” are used to indicate an action that has just happened a short while ago. However, there are some subtle differences in their meanings and usage: 剛/刚 gāng It is an adverb that can only be used before a verb or adjctive and after a subject. It…
Just 才 cái Grammar
Grammar Point:In Chinese grammar, 才 cái is used to express that an action has “just” happened. It is commonly used with other words that indicate “just,” such as 剛刚剛刚 gānggāng or 剛刚 gāng. Structure S + 才 cái + V 你nǐ怎麼zěnme才cái來lái就jiù要yào走zǒu? 你nǐ怎么zěnme才cái来lái就jiù要yào走zǒu? He just woke up, let’s wait for a moment. 他tā剛剛gānggāng才cái起床qǐcháig, 讓ràng我們wǒmen等一下děngyìxià他tā刚刚gānggāng才cái起床qǐcháig, 让ràng我们wǒmen等一下儿děngyìxiàrHe just…
Lateness 才 cái Grammar
Grammar Point:才 cái has the function of indicating an occurrence that happened later or slower than expected. It can also be used to express “as late as” or “not until” in English. Structure S + Time word + 才 cái + V 不好意思bùhǎoyìsi, 你們nǐmen先xiān吃chī吧ba! 我wǒ大概dàgài八bā點diǎn才cái會huì到dào不好意思bùhǎoyìsi, 你们nǐmen先xiān吃chī吧ba! 我wǒ大概dàgài八bā点diǎn才cái会huì到dàoSorry, you go ahead and eat first! I probably…