Grammar Point:The terms “here” and “there” in Chinese can be translated as follows: Structure 這/这 or 那 + Measure Word + N In colloquial and informal contexts, it is possible to drop the measure word. 這zhè個ge蛋糕dàngāo真zhēn好吃hǎochī这zhè个ge蛋糕dàngāo真zhēn好吃hǎochīThis cake is delicious. 那nà位wèi老師lǎoshī很hěn討厭tǎoyàn那nà位wèi老师lǎoshī很hěn讨厌tǎoyànThat teacher is annoying. 這zhè是shì我的wǒde嗎ma? 这zhè是shì我的wǒde吗ma? Is this mine? 那nà人rén好hǎo漂亮piàoliàng! 那nà人rén好hǎo漂亮piàoliang! That person is so beautiful!…
Author: tiffany
Here and There in Chinese
Grammar Point:The terms “here” and “there” in Chinese can be translated as follows: Structure These words indicate location and can be used to specify a place or refer to a position relative to the speaker. 這兒这儿 zhèr and 那兒儿 nàr are more colloquial and informal versions. In Taiwan, the 兒儿 er is usually dropped. 這裡zhèlǐ有yǒu一yì隻zhī可愛kěài的de小xiǎo狗gǒu这里zhèlǐ有yǒu一yì只zhī可爱kěài的de小xiǎo狗gǒuHere…
Come and Go in Chinese
Grammar Point:In Mandarin Chinese, the word “come” can be translated as 來来 lái and the word go can be translated as 去 qù. These are commonly used verbs to indicate the action of coming or going towards the speaker. Structure If the verb’s action is moving closer to the speaker, 來来 lái should be used….
“Together” in Chinese
Grammar Point:The word “together” in Chinese can be translated as 一起 yìqǐ or 一塊块儿 yíkuàiir. Both terms convey the idea of doing something in a shared or collective manner. Structure The subject must be in plural form. This can be achieved by using a plural noun or by linking two or more nouns with a…
Wèi and wèile Practice
TouchHover over the space to see the answers. Fill in the correct word – 為/为 or 為了/为了 我wǒ( 為了wèile) 見jiàn你nǐ坐zuò了le一yì小時xiǎoshí的de車chē我wǒ( 为了wèile) 见jiàn你nǐ坐zuò了le一yì小时xiǎoshí的de车chēI took a one-hour car ride to see you. 我wǒ( 為 wèi ) 你nǐ買mǎi了le一yì台tái車chē我wǒ( 为 wèi ) 你nǐ买mǎi了le一yì台tái车chēI bought a car for you. 我wǒ每天měitiān努力nǔlì是shì( 為了wèile) 學xué好hǎo中文zhōngwén我wǒ每天měitiān努力nǔlì是shì( 为了wèile) 学xué好hǎo中文zhōngwénI work hard every day to study…
“For” in Chinese 2 – 為/为 wèi
Grammar Point:為为 wèi has many functions in Mandarin Chinese. In this article, we are going to discuss how to use 為为 wèi to express the meaning of “for”. Structure 為/为 + Sth or Sb + Verb The word 為为 wèi can once again be translated as “for” in English. However, this time it is used…
“For” in Chinese 1 – 為/为 wèi
Grammar Point:為为 wèi has many functions in Mandarin Chinese. In this article, we are going to discuss how to use 為为 wèi to express the meaning of “for”. Structure 為/为 + Sth or Sb + Verb It is used to express the reason or motivation behind an action. 為wèi大家dàjiā的de健康jiànkāng乾杯gānbēi为wèi大家dàjiā的de健康jiànkāng干杯gānbēiCheers to everyone’s health. 為wèi孩子háizi戒jiè菸yān为wèi孩子háizi戒jiè烟yānQuit smoking for…
Time in Chinese
Grammar Point:In Mandarin Chinese, time is expressed by stating the hour first, followed by the minute, in a “big to small” order, just like in English. Time Hour + 點/点 diǎn + Minute + 分 fēn When expressing the time, you can use the structure mentioned above to indicate a specific time. However, if you…
Week of Days in Chinese
Grammar Point:In Mandarin Chinese, week of days can be expressed in three different ways, which is 星期 xīngqíqī, 禮拜礼拜 lǐbài, and 週周 zhōu. All three systems follow a simple pattern and are easy to remember! (In comparison to English😎) 星期 xīngqí/xīngqī 星期 xīngqíqī literally means “star period” and originally referred to the seven-day planetary cycle…
“Also” in Chinese – 還/还 hái and 也 yě
Grammar Point:The word “also” in Chinese can be translated as 還还 hái or 也 yě. Both are commonly used to indicate inclusion or addition in a sentence. It is important to note that they are always placed before the verb or adjective in Chinese sentences. Structure S + 也 yě + V 也 yě generally…