Grammar Point:The particle 過过 guò is used to talk about something you have or haven’t experienced in the past. It always goes right after the verb. Structure S + V + 過过 guò + O 我wǒ去qù過guò中國Zhōngguó我wǒ去qù过guò中国ZhōngguóI have been to China. 你nǐ看kàn過guò這zhè部bù電影diànyǐng嗎ma? 你nǐ看kàn过guò这zhè部bù电影diànyǐng吗ma? Have you seen this movie before? 我wǒ見jiàn過guò他tā我wǒ见jiàn过guò他tāI have met him before. 我wǒ說shuō過guò嗎ma??我wǒ说shuō过guò吗ma??Have I said that before?…
Category: HSK 2
Chinese Verbs
In this article, we will discuss the features of Chinese verbs. Verbs in Chinese, like in English, can be divided into three major categories: the verb 是 shì meaning “to be,” the verb 有 yǒu meaning “to have,” and a broad set of verbs that can be loosely referred to as action verbs. * Some…
Using Yǒu to Express Estimation
Grammar Point:The “you sentence” is known as 有字句 yǒuzìjù in Chinese. The word 有 yǒu serves multiple functions, including expressing estimates and constructing comparative sentences, which will be the focus of this article. you sentence Structure S + 有 yǒu + Number When you are trying to express an approximation or rough estimate of a…
Quantity Complements 1
Grammar Point:A “數量補語数量补语 shùliàng bǔyǔ” (Quantitative Complement) indicates the quantity, frequency, or duration of an action or state. In this article, we will focus on discussing the frequency or quantity of an action or state.hinese Quantitative Complement Chinese Quantitative Complement Structure Adj. + Quantity Complement 我wǒ比bǐ弟弟dìdi大dà三sān歲suì我wǒ比bǐ弟弟dìdi大dà三sān岁suìI am three years older than my brother. 他的tāde錢qián比bǐ我wǒ多duō一些yìxiē他的tāde钱qián比bǐ我wǒ多duō一些yìxiēHe has…
Connecting Adjective with 又 you
Grammar Point:When you want to use more than two adjectives to describe one thing, you can use the 又 yòu structure. This structure is used to convey that something is “both… and…” in English. The two adjectives used in this construction should not contrast in feeling. In other words, they should either both be positive…
Result Complement 1
Grammar Point:The result complement is called 結果補語结果补语 jiéguǒ bǔyǔ in Chinese. It is just like its name, used to describe the result of a verb. What is the result complement? In Chinese grammar, a result complement 結果補語结果补语 jiéguǒ bǔyǔ is a grammatical structure that expresses the result or outcome of an action or event. It…
Had Better with zuihao
Grammar Point:One way to express ‘had better’ in Chinese is 最好 zuìhǎo. While 最好 zuìhǎo can function as an adjective meaning ‘best’, it can also be used as an adverb to express ‘had better’ or ‘it would be best’. It’s often utilized when giving advice to someone or politely making demands. Structure S + 最好…
Had Better with 还是 háishì
Grammar Point:One of the ways to express ‘had better’ in Chinese is 還是还是 háishì…吧 ba. 還是还是 háishì as an adverb can express ‘still’, ‘yet’, and ‘or’, it can also express a preference for an alternative. 吧 ba is often placed in the end, as it’s a suggestion. Structure S + 還还是 háishì + Suggestion + 吧 ba 你nǐ還是háishì換huàn個ge男朋友nánpéngyǒu吧ba!…
Basic Comparisons 2
Grammar Point:The way to express comparisons in Chinese is by using 比 bǐ. However, when expressing “as same as,” there’s no need to use 比 bǐ anymore. Instead, we use 跟 gēn or 和 hé. Structure 1 A + 跟 or 和 + B + 一樣/一样 or 相同 When you want to state that two…
Comparisons 比 bǐ
Grammar Point:In Chinese, comparisons are expressed using the character 比 bǐ. In this article, we will discuss other words that can be used in conjunction with 比 bǐ, such as 那麼那么 nàme, 更 gèng, and 不如 bùrú. Structure A + 比 + B + Adj. + Quantitative Complement A Quantitative Complement in Chinese refers to…