Before we look up the life stage and thinking words in Chinese, let me tell you a fun fact. Many Chinese teens are cautious about romance because they are normally taught by family members and teachers that serious relationships should wait until adulthood. According to a “Global Times” article, a survey of Chinese middle school students showed that roughly half of the students are reluctant to engage in romantic activities because they are afraid it could damage their health and existing relationships with each other.
Life Stage Words in Chinese
Simplify | China | Traditional | Taiwan | English | Korean | Japanese |
小时候 | xiǎoshíhou | 小時候 | xiǎoshíhòu | Childhood; youth | 어릴때 | 小さい時 |
少年 | shàonián | 少年 | shàonián | Early youth (9 to 13) | 소년 | 少年 |
青少年 | qīngshàonián | 青少年 | qīngshàonián | Teenagers (14 to 18) | 청소년 | 青年 |
青年 | qīngnián | 青年 | qīngnián | Youth (18 to 34) | 청장년 | 壮年 |
中年 | zhōngnián | 中年 | zhōngnián | Middle age | 중년 | 中年 |
老年 | lǎonián | 老年 | lǎonián | Elderly (more than 65) | 노인 | 老年 |
大人 | dàrén | 大人 | dàrén | Adult | 성인 | 大人 |
Wǒ xiǎoshíhòu bùchī qiézi.
Wǒ xiǎoshíhou bùchī qiézi.
I did not eat eggplant when I was a child.
Qīngshàonián de háizi tèbié máfán.
Qīngshàonián de háizi tèbié máfan.
Teenage children are particularly troublemakers.
Thinking Words in Chinese
Simplify | China | Traditional | Taiwan | English | Korean | Japanese |
信心 | yǐhòu | 信心 | yǐhòu | Faith | 자신 | 信心 |
意思 | yìsi | 意思 | yìsi | Meaning | 의미 | 意味 |
意见 | yǐqián | 意見 | yǐqián | Opinion | 의견 | 意見 |
看法 | kànfǎ | 看法 | kànfǎ | Perspective | 견해 | 見解 |
心情 | yǐshàng | 心情 | yǐshàng | Mood | 기분 | 気持ち |
心里 | yǐxià | 心裡 | yǐxià | In one‘s mind | 마음속 | 心中 |
态度 | yǐnèi | 態度 | yǐnèi | Attitude | 태도 | 態度 |
理想 | yǐwài | 理想 | yǐwài | Ideal | 이상 | 理想 |
道理 | dàolǐ | 道理 | dàolǐ | Principle; truth | 도리 | 道理 |
爱情 | àiqíng | 愛情 | àiqíng | Romantic love | 애정 | 愛情 |
Wǒ duì nǐ xìnxīn bú dà.
I don’t have much faith in you.
Tā bèi àiqíng mēngzhu yǎnjīng.
Tā bèi àiqíng mēngzhu yǎnjing.
He is blinded by love.
A2 Life Stage and Thinking