Grammar Point:
A direction complement is a complement used to describe the direction of a verb in Chinese. For example, the verb “走 zǒu” means “to walk”. However, to specify which direction you are walking in, you can add a direction complement to describe where you are walking to. For example,
Walk in
Walk out
Now, let’s take a look at the various directional complements commonly used in Mandarin Chinese:
Structure –
V + Direction Complement
來/来 lái、去 qù
It indicates the position of the speaker.
If the verb’s action is moving closer to the speaker, 来 lái should be used. Conversely, if the verb’s action is moving away from the speaker, 去 qù should be used.

I will bring it to you.
(The speaker is going to leave his current position now.)
Come to Taiwan.
(The speaker is in Taiwan now).
進/进 jìn、出 chū
The characters 进 jìn and 出 chū usually require an object (place) to be used with them.
When the action involves moving inward, 进 jìn should be used. On the other hand, when the action involves moving outward, 出 chū should be used.

He ran into a movie theater.
I walked out of class.
上 shàng、下 xià
The characters 上 shàng and 下 xià usually require a destination to be used with them.
When the action involves moving upward, 上 shàng should be used. On the other hand, when the action involves moving downward, 下 xià should be used.

Mom walked to the second floor.
(The destination is the 2nd floor)
Dad climbed down from a tree.
(The destination is under the tree)
起 qǐ
This is a particularly unique word in Chinese, as it generally means ‘to rise’, and in directional complements it is always combined with 来 lái.
起来 qǐlái actually has many different meanings and functions, but we will only discuss directional complements here. It is similar to the word ‘up’ in English.

Stand up.
Pick up; take up
Both 上 shàng and 起 qǐ indicate an upward direction. However, the main difference between the two is that 上 shàng requires a destination, while 起 qǐ does not.
回 huí
回 huí is used for movements that involve going back or returning.

He ran back home.
I walked back to the office.
開/开 kāi
This word means to move something to another place, and it does not always require an object.

He took the book away.
The child runs away from the mother.
過/过 guò
This word basically means ‘pass’, ‘cross’, or ‘through’.

I walked and passed by a bookstore.
I ran across the road.
Direction Complement