Grammar Point:The Chinese word 倒是 dàoshì can be used in a way that shifts focus or redirects attention in a conversation. This function is particularly useful when the speaker wants to introduce a new topic, perspective, or contrast that may not be directly related to the previous point, but still relevant. Structure Topic 1 + 倒是 dàoshì…
Category: HSK 7~9
Showing Contrast – 倒是 dàoshì 2
Grammar Point:The function of 倒是 dàoshì in Chinese is to highlight a contrast, particularly when the second idea is unexpected or goes against what you might assume. It emphasizes a surprising or contrary situation based on the first condition. Structure Statement 1,S + 倒是 dàoshì + Statement 2 The first statement often implies an expectation…
8 Ways to Say “if” in Chinese
Introduction:Ever noticed how English mainly uses “if,” while Chinese has multiple ways to express the same idea? The terms 假如 jiǎrú, 萬一 wànyī, 要是 yàoshi, 如果 rúguǒ, 的話 dehuà, 假設 jiǎshè, 倘若 tǎngruò, and 若是 ruòshì假如 jiǎrú, 万一 wànyī, 要是 yàoshi, 如果 rúguǒ, 的话 dehuà, 假设 jiǎshè, 倘若 tǎngruò, and 若是 ruòshì are all used to express…
News Practice – BYD Surpasses Tesla
Click here to modify ↘️ the characters and pinyin 04:31 2022/10/11 中時新聞網 盧伯華The original article is here This is the slow version. If you want to listen to the regular broadcasting speed, please adjust to 1.5 speed on the side. 比亞迪bǐyàdí超越chāoyuè特斯拉tèsīlā: 中國Zhōngguó邁向màixiàng汽車qìchē製造zhìzào王國wángguó的de先聲xiānshēng比亚迪bǐyàdí超越chāoyuè特斯拉tèsīlā: 中国Zhōngguó迈向màixiàng汽车qìchē制造zhìzào王国wángguó的de先声xiānshēng 大陸dàlù新xīn能源車néngyuánchē製造商zhìzàoshāng比亞迪bǐyàdí公佈gōngbù9 月yuè銷售量xiāoshòuliàng數據shùjù出爐chūlú後hòu, 全球quánqiú汽車業qìchēyè都dōu為wèi之zhī震動zhèndòng, 雖說suīshuō相較xiāngjiào於yú燃油車rányóuchē, 新xīn能源車néngyuánchē尚shàng難以匹敵nányǐpǐdí, 但dàn它tā畢竟bìjìng是shì全球quánqiú都dōu看好kànhǎo的de趨勢qūshì。 而ér比亞迪bǐyàdí能néng在zài短短數年duǎnduǎnshùnián之內zhīnèi擊敗jībài特斯拉tèsīlā成為chéngwéi新xīn能源車néngyuánchē霸主bàzhǔ, 印證yìnzhèng了le包括bāokuò特斯拉tèsīlā老闆lǎobǎn馬斯克mǎsīkè與yǔ各國geguó汽車qìchē大廠dàchǎng的de預測yùcè: 中國Zhōngguó將jiāng成為chéngwéi獨霸dúbà全球quánqiú的de汽車qìchē製造zhìzào大國dàguó, 同時tóngshí也yě是shì全球quánqiú最大zuìdà的de汽車qìchē市場shìchǎng。 而ér更gèng新xīn的de趨勢qūshì則zé是shì: 這個zhège預言yùyán將jiāng因yìn新xīn能源車néngyuánchē的de高速gāosù成長chéngzhǎng而ér提前tíqián到來dàolái。…
News Practice – China implements Anti-Spy Law, foreign direct investment plunges over 70%
Click here to modify ↘️ the characters and pinyin 自由財經 編譯盧永山/綜合報導2023/08/09 12:09The original article is here This is the slow version. If you want to listen to the regular broadcasting speed, please adjust to 1.5 speed on the side. 中國Zhōngguó實施shíshī反fǎn間諜jiàndié法fǎ外國wàiguó直接zhíjiē投資tóuzī金額jīn’é暴跌bàodié逾yú7 成chéng中国Zhōngguó实施shíshī反fǎn间谍jiàndié法fǎ外国wàiguó直接zhíjiē投资tóuzī金额jīn’é暴跌bàodiē逾yú7 成chéng 中國Zhōngguó7 月份yuèfèn的de進出口jìnchūkǒu數據shùjù再次zàicì下降xiàjiàng, 再zài加上jiāshàng國內guónèi消費xiāofèi疲軟píruǎn, 製造業zhìzàoyè活動huódòng持續chíxù萎縮wěisuō, 房地產fángdìchǎn市場shìchǎng停滯tíngzhì不前bùqián, 甚至shènzhì外國wàiguó資本zīběn也yě對duì中國Zhōngguó失去shīqù興趣xìngqù, 經濟jīngjì前景qiánjǐng令人lìngrén擔憂dānyōu。 根據gēnjù自由亞洲zìyóuyàzhōu電台diàntái的de報導bàodǎo, 中國Zhōngguó國家guójiā外匯wàihuì管理局guǎnlǐjú(SAFE) 發布fābù的de最zuì新xīn數據shùjù顯示xiǎnshì, 今年jīnnián第二dìèr季度jìdù外國wàiguó直接zhíjiē投資tóuzī(FDI) 大幅dàfú減少jiǎnshǎo。 分析人士fēnxīrénshì認為rènwèi,…
Newspaper Formal Words
Here are some examples of Chinese informal words and their corresponding formal counterparts, commonly used in newspapers: A~G English Informal Word Formal Word absolutely not 肯定不 kěndìng bù 决非 juéfēi according to 按照 ànzhào 依 yī afraid to 恐怕 kǒngpà 恐 kǒng all 都 dōu 均 jūn, 皆 jiē a little bit 有點点 yǒudiǎn 稍…
就 jiù – Giving an exception
Grammar Point:In this usage, 就 jiù emphasizes the exception or the unusualness of the situation. It is often used to express surprise or to draw attention to the exception. Structure The exception + 就 A: 為什麼wèishénme外國人wàiguórén都dōu不bù敢gǎn吃chī臭豆腐chòudòufǔ? A: 为什么wèishénme外国人wàiguórén都dōu不bù敢gǎn吃chī臭豆腐chòudòufu? Why do foreigners dare not eat stinky tofu? B: 我wǒ就jiù敢gǎn吃chī啊aB: 我wǒ就jiù敢gǎn吃chī啊aAs for me, I dare to eat…
就 jiù – With regard to
Grammar Point:The word 就 jiù has several meanings in Chinese, and one of its uses is to indicate “with regard to” or “in terms of”. In this sense, it is often used to introduce a topic or a specific aspect of something that is being discussed. Structure S + 就 + Topic + VO It…
Story – Medusa’s annoyance 4
“Medusa’s annoyance” is a story for HSK7+ learners. Stories I shared some are Chinese folk tales, and some are my creations. Warning most of my stories are not for kids. Listen the Complete Story Story Story Part 1 Story Part 2 Story Part 3 Story Part 4 美杜莎打開抽屜,拿出隱形眼鏡戴上,看著鏡中的自己難過得流下眼淚,頭上的蛇像是感覺到了主人的悲傷也一條條垂了下來。梅杜莎摸摸牠們自言自語的說:「你們知道嗎?故事裡的結局都是決定好的,不管是哪個版本,我的頭都會被砍下來。只要世人不改變,雅典娜和波賽頓就永遠是人生的贏家,死亡則是我唯一的結果。」 美杜莎打开抽屉,拿出隐形眼镜戴上,看着镜中的自己难过得流下眼泪,头上的蛇像是感觉到了主人的悲伤也一条条垂了下来。梅杜莎摸摸牠们自言自语的说:“你们知道吗?故事里的结局都是决定好的,不管是哪个版本,我的头都会被砍下来。只要世人不改变,雅典娜和波赛顿就永远是人生的赢家,死亡则是我唯一的结果。” Pinyin Měidùshā dǎkāi chōutì, ná chū yǐnxíng yǎnjìng dài shàng, kànzhe…
Story – Medusa’s annoyance 3
“Medusa’s annoyance” is a story for HSK7+ learners. Stories I shared some are Chinese folk tales, and some are my creations. Warning most of my stories are not for kids. Listen the Complete Story Story Story Part 1 Story Part 2 Story Part 3 Story Part 4 「你說這什麼話!你眼睛不舒服跟我可能被石化哪個更嚴重!總之你快點把隱形眼鏡戴上,去清廁所裡的頭髮啦!」說完雅典娜就生氣地離開了。 “你说这什么话!你眼睛不舒服跟我可能被石化哪个更严重!总之你快点把隐形眼镜戴上,去清厕所里的头发啦!” 说完雅典娜就生气地离开了。 這世界為什麼總是這樣呢?外貌好像決定了一切,雅典娜有著白皙的皮膚、金色柔軟的頭髮,所以被稱為女神,她所做的一切都是好的,都是被認同的;再看看被稱為女妖的自己,明明不斷地委屈自己,明明不斷地忍耐著,卻還是被人討厭,被世界厭惡。回想當初波賽頓(Poseidon)的事件,自己明明是個受害者,卻成為被處罰的人,真正的加害者卻可以繼續在世界上耀眼的生活。 这世界为什么总是这样呢?外貌好像决定了一切,雅典娜有着白皙的皮肤、金色柔软的头发,所以被称为女神,她所做的一切都是好的,都是被认同的;再看看被称为女妖的自己,明明不断地委屈自己,明明不断地忍耐着,却还是被人讨厌,被世界厌恶。回想当初波赛顿(Poseidon)的事件,自己明明是个受害者,却成为被处罚的人,真正的加害者却可以继续在世界上耀眼的生活。 Pinyin `Nǐ shuō zhè shénme huà! Nǐ yǎnjīng bù…