Grammar Point:
The Chinese word 倒是 dàoshì can be used in a way that shifts focus or redirects attention in a conversation. This function is particularly useful when the speaker wants to introduce a new topic, perspective, or contrast that may not be directly related to the previous point, but still relevant.
Topic 1 + 倒是 dàoshì + Topic 2
I’m the same as always, but you—heard you’ve got a new boyfriend?
I don’t have much to say about this plan, but how about we try the new place downstairs for lunch?
I don’t watch many documentaries, but I’ve definitely seen my fair share of horror films.
It’s already so late! Are you sure you’re okay with this? Didn’t you say you had plans?
This question actually reminds me…
The test results show your stomach is fine, but you should watch your weight.
I’ve been super busy lately, but how do you have so much time for Instagram?
- Using 倒是 dàoshì as “Indeed” (HSK 5)
- Showing Contrast with 倒是 dàoshì (HSK 7-9)