As a dog lover, you not only have a deep affection for dogs but also have a global perspective. Knowing just the Chinese word for “dog” isn’t sufficient. Let’s explore more Chinese words about dogs together today! DOG TITLES For dogs 狗gǒu狗gǒu:Dog 狗勾gǒugōu狗勾gǒugōu:Doggy(This is an affectionate way of referring to a dog.) 修狗xiūgǒu修狗xiūgǒu:Doggie(This is an…
Category: Others
Cats Related Chinese
As cat person, you not only love and adore cats, but you’re also very international. Of course, it’s not enough to only know the Chinese word for “cat.” Today, let’s learn more Chinese words related to cats together! CAT TITLES For cats 貓māo猫māo:Cat 咪咪mīmi咪咪mīmi:Kitty(This is an affectionate way of referring to a cat.) 毛máo小孩xiǎohái毛máo小孩xiǎohái:Fur kid…
Typhoon Related Chinese
颱風/台风 táifēng Taiwan is prone to being affected by typhoons, especially during the typhoon season, which typically runs from June to October. We experience an average of about 3 to 4 typhoons making landfall each year. 天氣預報/天气预报 tiānqì yùbào 天氣預報天气预报 tiānqì yùbào translates to “weather forecast” in English. It refers to the prediction and reporting…
Complement Practice
TouchHover over the space to see the answers. Fill in the correct Potential Complements or Result Complements 我wǒ去qù了le好hǎo幾jǐ家jiā店diàn, 就是jiùshì( 沒買到méimǎidào) 你nǐ喜歡xǐhuān的de那nà種zhǒng花huā我wǒ去qù了le好hǎo几jī家jiā店diàn, 就是jiùshì( 没买到méimǎidào) 你nǐ喜欢xǐhuan的de那nà种zhǒng花huāI went to several stores, but I couldn’t find the type of flower you like. 那nà種zhǒng花huā在zài台灣Táiwān( 買不到mǎibúdào) , 要yào去qù國外guówài才cái有yǒu那nà种zhǒng花huā在zài台湾Táiwān( 买不到mǎibudào) , 要yào去qù国外guówài才cái有yǒuThat kind of flower can’t be found in Taiwan, you have…
Chinese Name
Make your Chinese name by birthday – Just for funOr pick a character you like to create your name The month of your birthday 姓 xìng Family name – The usual meaning is often not meaningful. Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Ncv Dec 李 lǐ 陳陈 chén 王 wáng 張张 zhāng 林 lín 黃黄…
腦袋有洞 nǎodài yǒudòng
腦袋有洞/脑袋有洞 nǎodài yǒudòng (Taiwan) VO. (Literal meaning is “having a hole in one’s head”) It’s used to describe someone who is being foolish, stupid, or absent-minded. The slang suggests that the person’s brain has a hole, which makes them unable to think clearly or logically. It’s often used in a joking or lighthearted way to…
吃土 chītǔ
吃土 chītǔ VO. (Literal meaning is “eating dirt”) It is used to describe someone who is broke or living a frugal lifestyle. It’s like saying “I’m so broke I can’t even afford to buy food, so I have to eat dirt instead!” Of course, no one is actually eating dirt, but it’s a humorous way…
Synonym of Just in Chinese
The words “剛刚 gāng”, “剛刚剛刚 gānggāng” and “剛刚才 gāngcái” are used to indicate an action that has just happened a short while ago. However, there are some subtle differences in their meanings and usage: 剛/刚 gāng It is an adverb that can only be used before a verb or adjctive and after a subject. It…
就, 才, 再 Practice
TouchHover over the space to see the answers. Fill in the correct word – 就/才/再 她tā昨天zuótiān晚上wǎnshàng加班jiābān到dào夜裡yèlǐ一點yìdiǎn, 所以suǒyǐ晚上wǎnshàng兩點liǎngdiǎn( 才cái) 回huí到dào家jiā她tā昨天zuótiān晚上wǎnshàng加班jiābān到dào夜里yèlǐ一点yìdiǎn, 所以suǒyǐ晚上wǎnshàng两点liǎngdiǎn( 才cái) 回huí到dào家jiāShe worked late last night until 1:00 a.m., so she came home at 2:00 a.m. 因為yīnwèi加班jiābān很hěn累lèi, 她tā打算dǎsuàn今天jīntiān六點liùdiǎn吃chī完wán晚餐wǎncān( 就jiù) 睡覺shuìjiào因为yīnwèi加班jiābān很hěn累lèi, 她tā打算dǎsuàn今天jīntiān六点liùdiǎn吃chī完wán晚餐wǎncān( 就jiù) 睡觉shuìjiàoBecause she was tired from working overtime, she planned to have dinner at…
Yoga Types
Yoga Types Sentences You May Hear 請qǐng找zhǎo一個yíge舒服shūfú的de坐姿zuòzī请qǐng找zhǎo一个yíge舒适shūshì的de坐姿zuòzīPlease find a comfortable seated position. 通過tōngguò鼻子bízi深呼吸shēnhūxī,,然後ránhòu從cóng嘴巴zuǐbā呼氣hūqì通过tōngguò鼻子bízi深呼吸shēnhūxī,,然后ránhòu从cóng嘴巴zuǐbā呼气hūqìInhale deeply through your nose and exhale through your mouth. 肩膀jiānbǎng放鬆fàngsōng,,視線shìxiàn柔和róuhé肩膀jiānbǎng放松fàngsōng,,视线shìxiàn柔和róuhéRelax your shoulders and soften your gaze. 緩慢huǎnmàn而ér有yǒu意識yìshi地de動作dòngzuò缓慢huǎnmàn而ér有yǒu意识yìshì地de动作dòngzuòMove slowly and mindfully. 如果rúguǒ你nǐ感到gǎndào任何rènhé不適búshì或huò疼痛téngtòng,,請qǐng告訴gàosù我wǒ如果rúguǒ你nǐ感到gǎndào任何rènhé不适búshì或huò疼痛téngtòng,,请qǐng告诉gàosu我wǒIf you feel any discomfort or pain, please let me know. Sentences You May Say 我wǒ頭tóu有點yǒudiǎn暈yūn, 休息xiūxí一下yíxià我wǒ头tóu有点yǒudiǎn晕yūn,,休息xiūxī一下yíxiàI feel a bit dizzy, let…