颱風/台风 táifēng
Taiwan is prone to being affected by typhoons, especially during the typhoon season, which typically runs from June to October. We experience an average of about 3 to 4 typhoons making landfall each year.
- 輕颱轻台 Mild Typhoon
- 中颱中台 Moderate Typhoon
- 強颱强台 Severe Typhoon
- 超級颱風超级台风 Super Typhoon
- 颱風眼台风眼 eye of the typhoon

天氣預報/天气预报 tiānqì yùbào
天气预报 tiānqì yùbào translates to “weather forecast” in English. It refers to the prediction and reporting of weather conditions for a specific location and time.
- 陸上颱風警報(陸警)陆上台风警报(陆警) land warning
- 海上颱風警報(海警)海上台风警报(海警) sea warning
- 暴風圈暴风圈 strom circle
- 登陸登陆 landfall
The weather forecast indicates that a typhoon warning for the mainland will be issued tomorrow evening.

颱風假/台风假 táifēng jià
In Chinese, “Typhoon Leave” is referred to as 台风假 táifēng jià. Don’t doubt it! In Taiwan, when a typhoon approaches and the wind force and rainfall reach a certain level, the county and city governments will announce the implementation of “Typhoon Day” or “Typhoon Leave.”
Taipei, New Taipei, Keelung, and Taoyuan will announce at 8 PM tonight whether there will be a typhoon holiday. (台北、新北、基隆、桃園 = 北北基桃)
Severe Typhoon is coming! I hope there will be a typhoon holiday tomorrow.

停班停課/停班停课 tíngbān tíngkè
停班 tíngbān literally translates to “stop work” or “suspend work.” 停课 tíngkè translates to “suspend classes” or “cancel classes.” During a typhoon, when the weather conditions become hazardous and the typhoon is expected to have a significant impact, schools, businesses, and offices may announce a 停班停课 tíngbān tíngkè for the safety of the people.
The government announced that today there will be no work or classes due to the typhoon.
Tuesday will be a day off because of the typhoon.

停電/停电 tíngdiàn
停 tíng means “to stop” or “to halt.” 电 diàn refers to “electricity” or “electric power.” Together, 停电 means “power outage” or “electricity outage.”
The strong typhoon caused a power outage in central Taiwan.

淹水 yānshuǐ
淹 yān means “to flood” or “to submerge.” 水 shuǐ translates to “water.” 淹水 refers to “flooding” or “being submerged in water.”
Places with poor drainage are prone to flooding.

土石流 tǔshíliú
土 tǔ means “soil” or “earth.” 石 shí translates to “rock.” 流 liú refers to “flow” or “stream.” 土石流 is a term that describes a “debris flow” or “mudflow.”
Mountainous areas must be take strict precautions against mudslides.