Buy a SIM card Prepaid SIM cards can be purchased from all telecom stores in the airport or convenience stores outside of the airport and plans will vary regarding the rates paid for minutes, texts, and data. 預付卡/ 预付卡 YùfùkǎSIM card 我要買一張預付卡我要买一张预付卡Wǒ yào mǎi yìzhāng yùfùkǎ.I would like to buy a SIM card. 請問有哪些方案?请问有哪些方案?Qǐngwèn yǒu…
Category: HSK 2
了 Part 1
Grammar Point:Some textbooks may list multiple meanings to explain the Chinese character 了 le, but actually, there are only three of them main uses which we refer 了1, 了2, and 了3. 了1 (Verb-suffix了) S + V + 了 + (O) It means the action is complete and it should always be placed immediately after the verb….
的 de, 得 de, and 地 de
Grammar Point:Do you know the difference between 的 de, 得 de, and 地 de? They are three structural auxiliary words with different functions but the same pronunciation. <的> 的 de is a noun modifier that can be used to indicate possession or link an adjective or verb phrase to a noun. V / Adj. / N+ 的 +…
Taste Re-chao
這zhè很hěn__(鹹)__xián这zhè很hěn__(咸)__xián This one is quite ___(salty)___ Dialogue 店diàn員yuán: 請問qǐngwèn味道wèidào還hái可以kěyǐ嗎ma?店diàn员yuán: 请问qǐngwèn味道wèidao还hái行xíng吗ma?Waiter: How is today’s meal? 我wǒ: 這個zhège很hěn鹹xián! 我wǒ: 这个zhèige很hěn咸xián! I: This one is quite salty. 店diàn員yuán: 真是zhēnshì不好意思bùhǎoyìsi, 馬上mǎshàng幫bāng您nín重做chóngzuò一份yífèn店diàn员yuán: 真是zhēnshì不好意思bùhǎoyìsi, 马上mǎshàng帮bāng您nín重做chóngzuò一份yífènWaiter: I’m sorry about that. I will prepare another one for you. 我wǒ: 不用búyòng了le, 沒關係méiguānxī! 我wǒ: 不用búyòng了le, 沒事儿méishìr! I: Nah, it’s fine. No worries! Simplified (China) Traditional (Taiwan) Vocabulary 鹹xián咸xián🔊 Salty 酸suān酸suān🔊 Sour 甜tián甜tián🔊 Sweet 苦kǔ苦kǔ🔊…
Ordering Food-Beef Noodle
我wǒ要yào1 碗wǎn______ 我wǒ要yào1 碗wǎn______ I’d like a (bowl of) ____________ Dialogue 服務生fúwùshēng: 歡迎huānyíng光臨guānglín, 請問qǐngwèn幾jǐ位wèi?服务员fúwùyuán: 欢迎huānyíng光临guānglín, 请问qǐngwèn几jǐ位wèi?Waiter: Welcome! How many in your party? 我wǒ: 兩liǎng位wèi我wǒ: 两liǎng位wèiI: Two. 服務生fúwùshēng: 來lái, 這邊zhèbiān請qǐng服务员fúwùyuán: 来lái, 这边zhèbiān请qǐngWaiter: This way, please! ___________________________ 服務生fúwùshēng: 準備zhǔnbèi好hǎo要yào點餐diǎncān了le嗎ma?服务员fúwùyuán: 两liǎng位wèi想xiǎng吃chī点儿diǎnr什么shénme?Waiter: Are you ready to order? 我wǒ: 我wǒ要yào兩碗liǎngwǎn紅燒hóngshāo牛肉麵niúròumiàn我wǒ: 我wǒ要yào两碗liǎngwǎn红烧hóngshāo牛肉面niúròumiànI: I’d like two braised beef noodle, please. 服務生fúwùshēng: 好的hǎode, 還hái需要xūyào什麼shénme嗎ma?服务员fúwùyuán: 好的hǎode, 还hái要yào别的biéde吗ma?Waiter: Sure! Anything else? 我wǒ: 不用búyòng了le, 謝謝xièxie!我wǒ: 不用búyòng了le, 谢谢xièxie!I: No, thanks. Simplified (China) Traditional (Taiwan)…
Location Words in Chinese
Before we look up the location words in Chinese, let me give you a brief introduction of two words. 公寓(gōngyù) in Chinese usually indicated a no elevator low building. I don’t know why we translate it into the English word “apartment,” but anyway they are not the same. Another word that I want to talk…
Nature and Animal Words in Chinese
Before we talk about nature and animal words in Chinese, let me tell you a fun fact. In Taiwan, if you see “yáng” on the local restaurant menu, usually it is the goat, not sheep. I am not a goat or lamb lover. But I like one thing called Yangrouchuan. It is a snack, that…
20 Essential Chinese Word for Business
1. 工作 gōngzuò VERB。To work; operate 我每天都要工作Wǒ měitiān dōu yào gōngzuò.I need to work every day. NOUN。Work; job 為什麼我的工作永遠做不完为什么我的工作永远做不完Wèishénme wǒ de gōngzuò yǒngyuǎn zuò bù wán.Why my work is never finished. 2. 上班 shàngbān VERB + OBJECT。Go to work; start work; work 我每天早上九點上班我每天早上九点上班Wǒ měitiān zǎoshang jiǔ diǎn shàngbān.I start work at 9 every morning. 你上幾個小時的班?你上几个小时的班?Nǐ…
How to express “the” in Chinese
The word “the” is used frequently in English, and you may wonder how to translate it into Chinese. However, there is no direct equivalent for “the” in Chinese. One common usage of “the” in English is to refer to specific nouns. In Chinese, there are three ways to express this concept. Using Topic-comment Structure In…
Direction Words in Chinese
Before we look up the direction words in Chinese, let me tell you something. There are two different ways people tell you to turn: Southerners use the word 拐 guǎi while Northerners use the word 轉/转 zhuǎn. In Taiwan, we also use 轉/转 zhuǎn. For example, 前面左轉/前面左转 qiánmiàn zuǒzhuǎn (turn left in the front). Basic…