Grammar Point:
In this article, we are going to introduce the following Chinese measure words: 个 ge, 位 wèi, 本 běn, 杯 bēi, 支 zhī, 瓶 píng, 罐 guàn, 块 kuài

個/个 (ge)
This is the single most common measure word in Chinese. It is also sometimes used as a substitute for other measure words. While it’s not technically incorrect, using it as a substitute for other measure words may make you sound like a child.
一个汉堡包 Yí ge hànbǎobāo
A hamburger.
Liǎng ge wǎn
Two bowls.

位 (wèi)
位 wèi is a measure word used to count people. Compared to 个 ge, the word 位 wèi is more formal and polite, and is used as a way of showing respect to the people you are talking about. It is important to note that when using 位 wèi as a measure word, it is always accompanied by an identify (such as Sir, teacher, guest, Korean, etc.) to show respect. Therefore, you cannot say “一位人 Yí wèi rén“ to mean ‘one person’, but should instead use ”一个人 Yí ge rén.”
五位日本人 Wǔ wèi rìběnrén
Five Japanese
三位先生 Sān wèi xiānsheng
Three men (gentlemen)
👁🗨 When you go to a restaurant, you will hear:
几位? Jǐ wèi?
It means “How many (customers) are in your party?”

本 (běn)
The measure word 本 běn is used to quantify books, as well as bound documents or paper products. The use of 本 běn conveys a sense of the item being a complete and self-contained unit, and is therefore appropriate for books and similarly bound documents or paper products.
三本书 Sān běn shū
Three books
一本小说 Yì běn xiǎoshuō
A novel
两本杂志 Liǎng běn zázhì
Two magazines

枝/支 (zhī)
The measure word 支 zhī is typically used to quantify long, thin, inflexible objects such as rifles, roses, pencils, or branches. Its literal meaning is ‘branch’. Remember do not use 支 zhī to quantify a soft, flexible object such as a scarf or a rubber hose.
两支铅笔 Liǎng zhī qiānbǐ
Two pencils
一支箭 Yì zhī jiàn
One arrow
三支枪 Sān zhī qiāng
Three Guns

杯 (bēi)
杯 bēi is a measure word used for cup-like objects or beverages.
两杯咖啡 Liǎng bēi kāfēi
Two cups of coffee
一杯珍奶 Yì bēi zhēnnǎi
One cup of Bubble Milk Tea
Note: When you are counting cups or glass, the measure word should be
ge instead of 杯 bēi.三个杯子 Sān ge bēizi
Three cups

瓶 (píng)
瓶 píng is a measure word used for bottle-shaped containers, such as bottles of water, soda, or other beverages.
一瓶水 Yì píng shuǐ
A bottle of water
十瓶红酒 Shí píng hóngjiǔ
Ten bottles of wine.
Note: When you are counting bottles, the measure word should be
ge instead of 瓶 píng.五个瓶子 Wǔ ge píngzi
Five bottles

罐 (Guàn)
The measure word 罐 guàn is used for objects that come in cans, pots, or jars, such as beverages, canned food, or pickles.
十罐啤酒 Shí guàn píjiǔ
Ten cans of beer
两罐蜂蜜 Liǎng guàn fēngmì
Two jars of honey
Note: When you are counting tins or jars, the measure word should be 个 ge instead of 罐 guàn.
三个罐子 Sān ge guànzi
Three jars

The measure word 块 kuài is used for counting objects that are considered as a single, solid unit, such as chunks, pieces, blocks, or lumps. It is also commonly used for measuring money.
一块蛋糕 Yí kuài dàngāo
A piece of cake
十块錢 Shí kuài qián
Ten dollars
两块木材 Liǎng kuài mùcái
Two chunks of wood
Practice – Drag and Drop
- Measure words part 2
(份 fèn, 张 zhāng, 辆 liàng, 件 jiàn, 只 zhī, 条 tiáo, 双 shuāng, 种 zhǒng)