Grammar Point:
In most situations, Chinese adjectives typically require an adverb. Here are the adverbs we are going to look at in this article:
- 比较 bǐjiào – relatively or comparatively
- 更加 gèngjiā – even more or further. It is often used in formal or literary contexts.
- 还 hái – surpasses. It indicates a higher degree or level
- 相当 xiāngdāng – quite
His thoughts are relatively traditional (conservative).
Japanese cuisine is relatively expensive in Taiwan.
Your statement has confused me even more.
Sorry, I fart. Please don’t say anything, otherwise, I’ll feel even more embarrassed.
Chinese is even simpler than English.
Your grades are much better than mine. I have no hope of getting a scholarship.
His Chinese is quite fluent.
I heard that Taiwan is quite safe.
Taiwan is renowned for its safety, offering a secure environment for residents and visitors alike. A notable example of this is how Taiwanese feel comfortable leaving their cell phones and wallets unattended on café tables while briefly stepping away. BUT, I would suggest taking your belongings with you or asking someone you trust to watch over them while you use the restroom. Also, it is generally safe for women to walk alone after 23:00 in Taiwan due to the countless 24-hour convenience stores and the CCTV cameras. Plus, we have a relatively low number of homeless individuals, drug addicts, or drunk people. Even the street dogs are very friendly.
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✔️ Your sister is smarter. (than you)
✔️ So you should work harder.
✔️ I know you’ve worked hard, but your grades are still worse than your sister’s.
- Adverbs for Adjective 1 (HSK 1)
(很 hěn, 非常 fēicháng, 太 tài, 真 zhēn, and 最 zuì)
- Adverbs for Adjective 2 (HSK 2)
(多么 duōme, 好 hǎo, 有一点 yǒuyìdiǎn, 更 gèng, 十分 shífēn, 特别 tèbié, and 挺 tǐng)
- Adverbs for Adjective 4 (HSK 4)
(格外 géwài, 极 jí, and 极其 jíqí)