Grammar Point:
In this article, we are going to introduce the following Chinese measure words: 把 bǎ, 行 háng, 架 jià, 群 qún, 束 shù, 台 tái, 家 jiā, 頁页 yè

把 (bǎ)
This is a measure word in Chinese that is used to indicate a group of objects or one certain object that can be held with one hand, such as chairs, umbrellas, keys, etc.
一把鑰匙钥匙 Yì bǎ yàoshi
A key
一把筷子 Yì bǎ kuàizi
A handful of chopsticks
兩两把麵面 Liǎng bǎ miàn
Two handfuls of noodles

行 (háng)
行 háng is a measure word in Chinese that is used to count rows of something, or lines of text, such as in a book or a document.
一行樹树 Yì háng shù
A row of tree
一行字 Yì háng zì
A line of text
三行筆記笔记 sān háng bǐjì
Three lines of notes

架 (jià)
The Chinese measure word 架 jià is typically used to quantify objects which are machines, airplanes, and instruments that rest on a tripod or stand.
一架飛機飞机 Yí jià fēijī
An airplane
一架鋼琴钢琴 Yí jià gāngqín
A piano
三架相機机 sān jiǎ xiàngjī
Three cameras

群 (qún)
群 qún is a measure word in Chinese that is used to quantify a group of people, animals, or things that share some common characteristics or traits. It can also be used to describe a crowd or a flock of animals.
一群人 Yì qún rén
A group of people
一群鳥鸟 Yì qún niǎo
A flock of birds
一群魚鱼 Yì qún yú
A school of fish

束 (shù)
The Chinese measure word 束 shù is used to quantify things that are tied or bound together in a bundle or a bunch. Note that 束 shù can also be used to describe things that are long and thin, such as beams or rays of light.
一束花 Yí shù huā
A bouquet of flowers
一束麥麦 Yí shù mài
A bundle of wheat straw
兩两束蔥葱 Liǎng shù cōng
Two bunch of green onions

台 (tái)
台 tái is typically used to quantify machines, electronic devices, or equipment. Note that 台 tái can also be used to quantify cars in Taiwan.
一台洗衣機机 Yì tái xǐyījī
A washing machine
一台手機机 Yì tái shǒujī
A mobile phone
三台電視电视 sān tái diànshì
Three TVs

家 (jiā)
The Chinese measure word 家 jiā is used to quantify families or business establishments. The businesses or organizations can be small, locally owned, or big and public, such as shops, vendors, or banks.
一家大公司 Yì jiā dà gōngsī
A big company
一家咖啡店 Yì jiā kāfēi diàn
A coffee shop
兩两家人 Liǎng jiā rén
Two families

頁页 (yè)
This is a measure word in Chinese that is used to quantify pages of a book, document, or other written material. Note that 頁页 yè is specifically used for counting pages and is not interchangeable with other measure words that may be used to quantify physical objects, such as 本 běn for books or 張/张 zhāng for sheets of paper.
一頁页報告报告 Yí yè bàogào
One page of report
三百頁页 Sān bǎi yè
300 pages
第三頁页 Dì sān yè
The third page
Practice – Drag and Drop
- Measure words part 1
(個个 ge, 位 wèi, 本 běn, 杯 bēi, 枝 zhī, 瓶 píng, 罐 guàn, 塊块 kuài)
- Measure words part 2
(份 fèn, 張张 zhāng, 輛辆 liàng, 件 jiàn, 隻只 zhī, 條条 tiáo, 雙双 shuāng, 種种 zhǒng)
- Measure Words Part 4
(打 dǎ, 袋 dài, 根 gēn, 卷 juǎn, 棵 kē, 批 pī)