Sentences that you can use Expressing your concern Responding Vocabulary 今早jīnzǎo發生fāshēng了le一場yìchǎng規模guīmó6.3 的de地震dìzhèn今早jīnzǎo发生fāshēng了le一场yìchǎng规模guīmó6.3 的de地震dìzhèn An earthquake of 6.3 magnitude occurred this morning. 本次běncì地震dìzhèn的de震央zhènyāng位於wèiyú台灣táiwān東部dōngbù,,震度zhèndù達dá6 級jí本次běncì地震dìzhèn的de震央zhènyāng位于wèiyú台湾táiwān东部dōngbù,,震度zhèndù达dá6 级jí The epicenter of the earthquake was located in the eastern part of Taiwan, with a magnitude of 6. 本次běncì的de地震dìzhèn已yǐ造成zàochéng嚴重yánzhòng的de傷亡shāngwáng本次běncì的de地震dìzhèn已yǐ造成zàochéng严重yánzhòng的de伤亡shāngwáng The earthquake has caused serious injuries and deaths. 沿海yánhǎi地區dìqū請qǐng小心xiǎoxīn提防tífáng海嘯hǎixiào來臨láilín沿海yánhǎi地区dìqū请qǐng小心xiǎoxīn提防tífáng海啸hǎixiào来临láilín Beware of tsunamis in coastal areas. 因yīn受shòu地震dìzhèn影響yǐngxiǎng,…
Category: Others
Japanese Food
Kitchen Food Japanese Simplified China Traditional Taiwan English 天ぷら 天妇罗 tiānfùluó 天婦羅 tiānfùluó Tempura らーめん 拉面 lāmiàn 拉麵 lāmiàn Ramen うどん 乌冬面 wūdōngmiàn 烏龍麵 wūlóngmiàn Udon 牛丼 牛肉盖饭 niúròu gàifàn 牛肉蓋飯 niúròu gàifàn Gyudon 鰻の蒲焼き 蒲烧鳗鱼 púshāományú 蒲燒鰻 púshāomán Unagi カツ丼 炸猪排盖饭 zházhūpáigàifàn 日式炸豬排飯 rìshì zhàzhūpáifàn katsudon 親子丼 滑蛋鸡肉饭 huádànjīròufàn 親子丼 qīnzǐdòng Oyakodon 焼きそば 日式炒面…
10 Drinks in Taiwan and China
Here are 10 drinks in Taiwan and China, some of them might be weird for you, but I still recommend you try them at least once. 1. Bubble Milk Tea (珍珠奶茶 zhēnzhū nǎichá) Bubble tea, also known as boba tea, pearl milk tea, or simply boba, is a Taiwanese tea-based drink that has become popular…
10 Popular Breakfasts in Taiwan and China
There are many kinds of breakfasts in Taiwan and China, and I will briefly introduce them here into ten categories 1. Congee (粥 zhōu) Congee, also known as rice porridge, is a common breakfast in Taiwan and China. It is made by cooking rice with a large amount of water until it turns into a…
Chicken Parts and Chicken Dishes
The chicken is a very interesting animal in Chinese culture. The rooster is also regarded as a symbol of “good fortune,” because the word for chicken in Chinese, jī, has a similar pronunciation to the word meaning “auspicious.” For this reason, in some places in Eastern China’s Shandong Province, hens are used as part of wedding…
Chinese Complement
A complement is a word or phrase following a verb or an adjective that provides more information to the verb phrase. Complements are super common in Chinese. It can be one character, a phrase, or a sentence. Complements provide additional explanations associated with verbs, such as degree, result, direction, or possibility. 6 Commonest Complements in…
Stock Market in Chinese
Can foreigners buy China or Taiwan stock? Yes, foreigners can buy stocks in China and Taiwan. However, there may be certain restrictions and requirements that they need to comply with. In China, foreign investors can buy stocks through the Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor (QFII) program, the Renminbi Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor (RQFII) program, or the…
China National Day
The official name of China’s National Day is the National Day of the People’s Republic of China, which is 中華人民共和國國慶節中华人民共和国国庆节 (Zhōnghuá rénmín gònghéguó guóqìngjié) in Chinese. However, as you can see, this name is quite long. Therefore, it is commonly referred to as 國慶節国庆节 (guóqìngjié) in China. When is the National Day The People’s Republic…
Taiwan National Day
The National Day of Taiwan is also known as Double Ten Day or Double Tenth Day. Here, I would like to clear up some confusion. Taiwan’s official name is the Republic of China (ROC), and even though “China” is in our name, we are not the same country as China. China’s official name is the…