The three words 再 zài, 又 yòu, and 还 hái indicate the repetition of the same action and can be translated to “again” in English. However, 又 yòu is used when the repeated action has happened again and there is often a 了le at the end of the sentence. In contrast, 再 zài is used when the repeated action has not happened yet. 还 hái also indicates a future repetition of an action but suggests a prearranged or premeditated repetition.

S + 再 + V
This is the only “again” that can be used in an imperative sentence. When there is an optative verb, always put 再 zài after it. Remember, it is used to indicate something that has happened already and may happen again in the future.
You’re wrong. Please say it again.
(An imperative sentence)
She is not at home today, come back again tomorrow.
I will never go back to that restaurant again.
S + 又 + V
Remember, 又 yòu is used to indicate something that has happened before and is happening again now or in the past. It is often used with a 了 le at the end of the sentence. However, 又 yòu can also be used in a hypothetical action. If there is an optative verb (such as 想 xiǎng, 要 yào, 希望 xīwàng), always put 又 yòu before it.
You were wrong last time, and you’re wrong again this time.
I told you she wasn’t home today, so why did you come again?
If I want to go to that restaurant again, then I must be drunk.
(hypothesis action)
S + 還/还 + 要, 會/会, or 想 + V
还 hái suggests a prearranged or pre-planned repetition, meaning it depends on your willingness. Unlike 再 zài and 又 yòu, it cannot directly connect with a verb. However, it can be used with 再 zài for emphasis.
This sickness takes time, I have to go to the doctor next week again.
I haven’t finished the book yet, so I’ll go back to the library tomorrow again.
I would like to go to Europe again.
How about 重 chóng?
The function of 重 chóng is not really like a word or grammar, is more like a word root “re-” in English. It is always combined with a verb.
I heard that your boss wants you to redo the report.
The computer should be faster after rebooting.
Let me re-say it again, this customer is very important.
- Connecting Adjective with 又:又 you… 又 you… (HSK 2)
- Express the order in Chinese with 先 xiān…再 zài… (HSK 3)