Taiwan | China | English | Abbreviation | Example | ||
名詞 | míngcí | 名词 | míngcí | noun | n. | 水、狗 |
代名詞 | dàimíngcí | 代词 | dàicí | pronoun | pron. | 你、我 |
動詞 | dòngcí | 动词 | dòngcí | verb | v. | 跑、看 |
助動詞 | zhùdòngcí | 助动词 | zhùdòngcí | auxiliary verb | aux. | 可能、必需 |
形容動詞 靜態動詞 | jìngtài dòngcí xíngróngdòngcí | 形容词 | xíngróngcí | adjective stative verbs | adj. sv | 高、胖、美 |
副詞 | fùcí | 副词 | fùcí | adverb | adv. | 非常、很 |
數量詞 | shùliàngcí | 数量词 | shùliàngcí | numeral | num. | 一、五 |
量詞 | liàngcí | 量词 | liàngcí | measure word | MW | 位、杯 |
介詞 | jiècí | 介词 | jiècí | preposition | prep. | 在、到 |
連詞 | liáncí | 连词 | liáncí | conjunction | conj. | 但是、所以 |
助詞 | zhùcí | 助词 | zhùcí | particle | part. | 吧、呢 |
狀聲詞 | zhuàngshēngcí | 拟声词 | nǐshēngcí | onomatopoeia | onom. | 喵、汪 |
嘆詞 | tàncí | 叹词 | tàncí | interjection | int. | 啊、唉 |
Taiwan | China | English | Difinition | Example | ||
主詞 | zhǔcí | 主语 | zhǔyǔ | subject | a person or thing that is being discussed, described, or dealt with | 我喝咖啡 |
賓詞 | bīncí | 谓语 | wèiyǔ | predicate | the part of a sentence or clause containing a verb and stating something about the subject | 我喝咖啡 |
受詞 | shòucí | 宾语 | bīnyǔ | object | a noun or noun phrase governed by an active transitive verb or by a preposition | 我喝咖啡 |
補語 | bǔyǔ | 补语 | bǔyǔ | complement | a word or phrase following a verb (or sometimes an adjective) that provides additional meaning to the verb phrase. It could be amount, time, result, place, etc. | 我喝一杯咖啡 |
狀語 | zhuàngyǔ | 状语 | zhuàngyǔ | adverbial modifier | adverbial modifiers describe verbs, adjective, clauses, and anything else that is not a noun. | 我慢慢地喝一杯咖啡 |
定語 | dìngyǔ | 定语 | dìngyǔ | attributive modifier | modifying a noun and part of the same noun phrase | 好看的我慢慢地喝一杯冰的咖啡 |