Before we look up the food words in Chinese, let me explain something to you. In China, rice is usually the main food for people living in the south of China, while food made of wheat flour like dumplings, noodles, and steam buns is the main food for people living in the north. If you want to be closer to someone in Chinese society, inviting them to have a drink may not be the best choice.
People in China usually treat others with meals in order to make new friends or enhance established relationships. And then once someone at the table has called “买单(mǎi dān) check please!”, things tend to get a bit complicated. There is often a verbal and sometimes physical wrestling match over who pays the bill. And, in general, it’s not fighting over not paying the bill, it’s a fight over who has the privilege of paying the entire bill. But recently younger people prefer to declare “SPLIT CHECK!” before ordering food.
Food for Eat
Simplify | China | Traditional | Taiwan | English | Korean | Japanese |
食物 | shíwù | 食物 | shíwù | Food | 음식 | 食べ物 |
米饭 | mǐfàn | 白飯 | báifàn | Cooked rice | 밥 | ご飯 |
面条 | miàntiáo | 麵 | miàn | Noodle | 면발 | 麺 |
菜 | cài | 菜 | cài | Vegetable, dish | 채소,반찬 | 野菜,(皿に盛った)料理 |
包子 | bāozi | 包子 | bāozi | Steamed bun | 만두[찐빵] | パオズ |
饺子 | jiǎozi | 餃子 | jiǎozi | Dumpling | 만두, 교자 | ギョーザ |
面包 | miànbāo | 麵包 | miànbāo | Bread | 빵 | パン |
肉 | ròu | 肉 | ròu | Meat | 고기 | 肉 |
汤 | tāng | 湯 | tāng | Soup | 국물 | スープ |
水果 | shuǐguǒ | 水果 | shuǐguǒ | Fruit | 과일 | 果物 |
蛋 | dàn | 蛋 | dàn | Egg | 계란 | 卵 |
蛋糕 | dàngāo | 蛋糕 | dàngāo | Cake | 케이크 | ケーキ |
Táiwān yǒu hěnduō piányí de shuǐguǒ.
Fruits in Taiwan is not expensive.
Nǐ mǎi shēngrì dàngāo le ma?
Have you bought a birthday cake?
Food for Drink
Simplify | China | Traditional | Taiwan | English | Korean | Japanese |
饮料 | yǐnliào | 飲料 | yǐnliào | Drink / Beverage | 음료수 | 飲み物 |
咖啡 | kāfēi | 咖啡 | kāfēi | Coffee | 커피 | コーヒー |
酒 | jiǔ | 酒 | jiǔ | Alcohol | 술 | お酒 |
果汁 | guǒzhī | 果汁 | guǒzhī | Juice | 주스 | ジュース |
牛奶 | niúnǎi | 牛奶 | niúnǎi | Milk | 우유 | 牛乳 |
茶 | chá | 茶 | chá | Tea | 차 | お茶 |
水 | shuǐ | 水 | shuǐ | Water | 물 | 水 |
Wǒ yào yìbēi kāfēi, búyào jiā niúnǎi, xièxie.
I’d like a cup of coffee, no milk, please (thank you).
Nǐ yào hēchá háishì hē guǒzhī?
Do you want tea or juice?
A1 Food Words