Before we look up the country, language and transportation words in Chinese, I want to share a video with you. If you like to ride a bicycle, you will fall in love with Taiwan. Taiwan has Ubike which is a Taipei Bike Sharing System. Most bicycle parking stations are located around the city, many of which are within walking distance of MRT stations and tourist destinations. Besides, we also have specific roads that are designed for bicycle riding. And this bikeway is to go around the whole island! So if you have a dream to ride a bike and go around one country, welcome to Taiwan:)
*日本語字幕付き *한글 자막 있음
Country Words in Chinese
Simplify | China | Traditional | Taiwan | English | Korean | Japanese |
国家 | Guójiā | 國家 | Guójiā | Country | 국가 | 国 |
台湾 | Táiwān | 台灣 | Táiwān | Taiwan | 대만 | 台湾 |
中国 | Zhōngguó | 中國 | Zhōngguó | China | 중국 | 中国 |
美国 | Měiguó | 美國 | Měiguó | USA | 미국 | アメリカ |
英国 | Yīngguó | 英國 | Yīngguó | UK | 영국 | イギリス |
韩国 | Hánguó | 韓國 | Hánguó | South Korea | 한국 | 韓国 |
法国 | Fǎguó | 法國 | Fǎguó / Fàguó | French | 프랑스 | フランス |
德国 | Déguó | 德國 | Déguó | Germany | 독일 | ドイツ |
日本 | Rìběn | 日本 | Rìběn | Japan | 일본 | 日本 |
Nǐ juéde Táiwān shìbúshì yíge guójiā?
Do you think Taiwan is a country?
Language Words in Chinese
Simplify | China | Traditional | Taiwan | English | Korean | Japanese |
中文 | Zhōngwén | 中文 | Zhōngwén | Chinese | 중국어 | 中国語 |
汉语 | Hànyǔ | 華語 | Huáwén | Mandarin | 중국어 | 中国語 |
英文 | Yīngwén | 英文 | Yīngwén | English | 영어 | 英語 |
韩文 | Hánwén | 韩文 | Hánwén | Korean | 한국어 | 韓国語 |
法文 | Fǎwén | 法文 | Fǎwén / Fàwén | France | 프랑스어 | フランス語 |
德文 | Déwén | 德文 | Déwén | German | 독일어 | ドイツ語 |
日文 | Rìwén | 日文 | Rìwén | Japanese | 일본어 | 日文語 |
Are you confused with the differences between hànyǔ, zhōngwén, guóyǔ, and huáyǔ?
You can check this article 🙂
Quán shìjiè yǒu 1,284,000,000 rén shuō Zhōngwén.
1,284,000,000 people speak Chinese around the world.
Transportation Words in Chinese
Simplify | China | Traditional | Taiwan | English | Korean | Japanese |
车(子) | chē(zi) | 車(子) | chē(zi) | Car | 자동차 | 車 |
地铁 | dìtiě | 地鐵 | dìtiě | Subway | 지하철 | 地下鉄 |
飞机 | fēijī | 飛機 | fēijī | Airplane | 비행기 | 飛行機 |
公交车 | gōngjiāochē | 公車 | gōngchē | Bus | 버스 | バス |
火车 | huǒchē | 火車 | huǒchē | Train | 기차 | 電車 |
自行车 | zìxíngchē | 腳踏車 | jiǎotàchē | Bicycle | 자전거 | 自転車 |
出租车 | chūzūchē | 計程車 | jìchéngchē | Taxi | 택시 | タクシー |
Tiānqì nàme rè,wǒmen dā jìchéngchē qù ba.
Tiānqì nàme rè,wǒmen dā chūzūchē qù ba.
It is so hot, let’s take a cab!
A1 Country, Language and Transportation