Grammar Point:故意 gùyì is an adverb in Chinese that means “intentionally” or “on purpose.” In sentences, it often appears before the verb to clarify that the action was not accidental but was carried out with a specific intent. Structure S + 故意 gùyì + V 他tā故意gùyì把bǎ我的wǒde咖啡kāfēi弄nòng倒dǎo他tā故意gùyì把bǎ我的wǒde咖啡kāfēi弄nòng倒dǎoHe intentionally knocked over my coffee. 你nǐ是不是shìbúshì故意gùyì的de? 你nǐ是不是shìbúshì故意gùyì的de? Did you…