Here’s how Chinese expresses decimal, fraction, percentage, and multiple: Decimal 小數数 xiǎoshù: In Chinese, decimals are expressed using the same format as in English, with a decimal point. If the digits after the decimal point exceed two, we read them individually. 0.5: 零líng點diǎn五wǔ零líng点diǎn五wǔ 12.25: 十二shíèr點diǎn二èr五wǔ十二shíèr点diǎn二èr五wǔ 3.724: 三sān點diǎn七qī二èr四sì三sān点diǎn七qī二èr四sì 72.0029: 七十二qīshíèr點diǎn零líng零líng二èr九jiǔ七十二qīshíèr点diǎn零líng零líng二èr九jiǔ Fraction 分數数 fēnshù: To express fractions…