Grammar Point:As you may already know, comparisons in Chinese are typically expressed using 比 bǐ. However, in this article, we’ll explore how to express preferences in Chinese—similar to saying “would rather… than…” in English. Additionally, we’ll introduce three more formal ways to construct comparison sentences in Chinese. Structure – Showing Preference 與与其 + Option A,(S) +…
Tag: buru
Comparisons 比 bǐ
Grammar Point:In Chinese, comparisons are expressed using the character 比 bǐ. In this article, we will discuss other words that can be used in conjunction with 比 bǐ, such as 那麼那么 nàme, 更 gèng, and 不如 bùrú. Structure A + 比 + B + Adj. + Quantitative Complement A Quantitative Complement in Chinese refers to…