Grammar Point:The Chinese word 任何 rènhé is a common phrase used in the language and can be translated to “any” or “whatever” in English. Structure 任何 rènhé + N + (都) 沒想到méixiǎngdào你nǐ和hé十年shínián前qián一模一樣yìmóyíyàng沒有méiyǒu任何rènhé改變gǎibiàn没想到méixiǎngdào你nǐ和hé十年shínián前qián一模一样yìmóyíyàng没有méiyǒu任何rènhé改变gǎibiànI didn’t expect that you haven’t changed at all in the past ten years. 我wǒ明天míngtiān都dōu在zài家jiā, 所以suǒyǐ任何rènhé時間shíjiān都dōu歡迎huānyíng你nǐ來lái我wǒ明天míngtiān都dōu在zài家jiā, 所以suǒyǐ任何rènhé时间shíjiān都dōu欢迎huānyíng你nǐ来láiI’ll be at home all day tomorrow, so…