以後后 yǐhòu Time or Verb + 以後/以后 (After) 我wǒ星期五xīngqíwǔ以後yǐhòu有空yǒukōng我wǒ星期五xīngqīwǔ以后yǐhòu有空yǒukōngI will be available after Friday. 很多hěnduō人rén說shuō1981 年nián以後yǐhòu出生chūshēng的de孩子háizi是shì草莓族cǎoméizú很多hěnduō人rén说shuō1981 年nián以后yǐhòu出生chūshēng的de孩子háizi是shì草莓族cǎoméizúMany people say that children born after 1981 are the “strawberry generation.” FYI草莓族 cǎoméi zú is a slang term in Chinese that is often used to describe the younger generation, specifically those born after 1981. It is derived from…
Tag: after
Before and After in Chinese
Grammar Point:The terms 以前 yǐqián (before) and 以後后 yǐhòu (after) are Chinese expressions used to indicate time references. Here’s an explanation of their grammar and usage: 以前 yǐqián Time or Verb + 以前 (Before) 你nǐ明天míngtiān8 點diǎn以前yǐqián必須bìxū到dào公司gōngsī你nǐ明天míngtiān8 点diǎn以前yǐqián必须bìxū到dào公司gōngsīYou must arrive at the company before 8 o’clock tomorrow. 我wǒ知道zhīdào我wǒ在zài做夢zuòmèng, 但是dànshì我wǒ希望xīwàng50 歲suì以前yǐqián能néng退休tuìxiū我wǒ知道zhīdào我wǒ在zài做夢zuòmèng, 但是dànshì我wǒ希望xīwàng50 岁suì以前yǐqián能néng退休tuìxiūI know I’m dreaming, but…