Grammar Point:
The phrase 有时候 yǒushíhou…有时候 yǒushíhou… in Chinese means “sometimes…sometimes…” in English. It is used to express that something happens occasionally or at different times, emphasizing the variability or irregularity of the occurrence.
S + yǒushíhòu + A,yǒushíhòu + B
It is okay to drop the 候 hou character. Just using 有时 yǒushí… is also commonly used in everyday speech.
On weekends, sometimes I like to read at home, and sometimes I like to take a walk in the park.
For dinner, I sometimes eat at home, and sometimes I go to a restaurant.
When she goes to the movies, sometimes she eats popcorn, and sometimes she eats a hot dog.
The coffee at this shop is sometimes good, and sometimes bad.
The winter in Taiwan is strange; sometimes it’s cold, and sometimes it’s hot.
Our work is sometimes busy, and sometimes not busy at all.