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the characters and pinyin
Vocabulary Part 1
你 | nǐ | (N) | you |
来 | lái | (V) | to come |
是 | shì | (Vst) | to be |
女士 | nǚshì | (N) | Miss, Ms. |
吗 | ma | (Ptc) | sentence final particle |
接 | jiē | (V) | to pick sb up |
我们 | wǒmen | (N) | we, us |
我 | wǒ | (N) | I, me |
这 | zhè | (Det) | this |
先生 | xiānshēng | (N) | Mr. |
好 | hǎo | (SV) | fine, well |
姓 | xìng | (Vst) | to be surnamed |
叫 | jiào | (Vst) | to be called, i.e., to have the first name xx |
你们 | nǐmen | (N) | you (plural) |
台湾 | Táiwān | (N) | Taiwan |
欢迎 | huānyíng | (Vst) | welcome |
请问 | qǐngwèn | May I ask you… Excuse me, … | |
是的 | shìde | yes | |
谢谢 | xièxie | Thank you. | |
不客气 | búkèqì | You’re welcome. | |
你好 | Nǐ hǎo | How are you? Hello. |
Conversation Practice 1
A: 你好,我叫小明,你呢?你好,我叫小明,你呢?
Hello, I’m Xiaoming, and you?
B: 你好,我是王小姐。你好,我是王女士。
Hello, I’m Miss Wang.
A: 你是台灣人嗎?你是台湾人吗?
Are you from Taiwan?
B: 是的,我是台灣人。你呢?是的,我是台湾人。你呢?
Yes, I’m from Taiwan. How about you?
A: 我是中國人,我們來台灣旅遊我是中国人,我们来台湾旅游。
I’m Chinese. We are here for a trip to Taiwan.
B: 歡迎來台灣欢迎来台湾!
Welcome to Taiwan!
A: 謝謝!谢谢!
Thank you!
Conversation Practice 2
A: 你好,我姓王,你呢?你好,我姓王,你呢?
Hello, my surname is Wang, and you?
My surname is Li. Are you here to pick me up?
A: 是的,我們來接你。這是你的行李嗎?是的,我们来接你。这是你的行李吗?
Yes, we’re here to pick you up. Is this your luggage?
B: 是的,謝謝你們。是的,谢谢你们。
Yes, thank you.
A: 不客氣不客气
You’re welcome.
Vocabulary Part 2
请 | qǐng | (V) | please |
喝 | hē | (V) | to drink |
茶 | chá | (N) | tea |
很 | hěn | (Adv) | very |
好喝 | hǎohē | (SV) | (lit. good to drink) to taste good |
什么 | shénme | (N) | what |
人 | rén | (N) | person, people |
喜欢 | xǐhuan | (Vst) | to like |
呢 | ne | (Ptc) | sentence final particle |
他 | tā | (N) | he, him |
不 | bù/bú | (Adv) | not |
哪 | nǎ | (Det) | which |
要 | yào | (Vaux) | to want to |
咖啡 | kāfēi | (N) | coffee |
乌龙茶 | Wūlóngchá | (N) | Oolong tea |
日本 | Rìběn | (N) | Japan |
美国 | Měiguó | (N) | America |
对不起 | duìbùqǐ | I am sorry. | |
哪国 | nǎguó | Which country? |
Conversation Practice 1
A: 請問,你喜歡喝茶嗎?请问,你喜欢喝茶吗?
Excuse me, do you like to drink tea?
B: 很喜歡!很喜欢!
I like it very much!
A: 你覺得什麼茶好喝?你觉得什么茶好喝?
What kind of tea do you think is tasty?
B: 我覺得烏龍茶好喝,你呢?我觉得乌龙茶好喝,你呢?
I think Oolong tea tastes good, how about you?
A: 我喜歡喝咖啡,不太喜歡喝茶。我喜欢喝咖啡,不太喜欢喝茶。
I like to drink coffee and not so much tea.
Conversation Practice 2
A: 你好,請問你要喝什麼?你好,请问你要喝什么?
Hello, what would you like to drink?
B: 我要一杯咖啡。我要一杯咖啡。
I would like a cup of coffee.
A: 好的,你要加糖嗎?好的,你要加糖吗?
Sure, would you like sugar with that?
B: 不要,謝謝。不要,谢谢。
No, thank you.
A: 好喝嗎?好喝吗?
Is it good?
B: 很好喝!很好喝!
It’s very good!