Grammar Point:
The term 尽量 jǐnliàng in Chinese serves as an adverb and is used to convey the idea of “as much as possible” or “to the greatest extent.” It is often used in various contexts to indicate a strong effort to maximize or optimize something.
In China, you might come across the word “尽量” being pronounced in two ways, “jǐnliàng” and “jìnliàng.” While “jǐnliàng” is technically the correct pronunciation for its adverbial use, “jìnliàng” is generally reserved for its verb form. Interestingly, many educated native speakers in China tend to use “jìnliàng” when they pronounce “尽量” as an adverb. In Taiwan, on the other hand, the common practice is to simply say “jìnliàng.”
jǐnliàng + V
Eat as much as you can, don’t be shy.
Try to control your budget as much as possible to avoid any issues.
Everyone, please try to share your own opinions.
I’ll try my best to write, but I can’t guarantee I’ll finish.
Feel free to use this card as much as you want; there’s no limit.
He does his best not to let his personal feelings influence the company’s decisions.
Life is short; you should try to enjoy the moment as much as possible.
人生苦短 rénshēng kǔduǎn is a Chinese idiom that translates to “life is short and bitter” in English. When people use this phrase, it usually implies that life is indeed short, and it encourages us to make the most of it and add some sweetness to the mix. It’s like saying, “Life is short, so let’s make it sweet!”
TouchHover over the space to see the answers.
✔️ It’s best to avoid traveling to China during the Chinese New Year period because restaurants and shops are closed.
✔️ We should try to minimize our expenses as much as possible.
✔️ Even though Dad is very busy, he always tries to find time to have a meal with us.