Grammar Point:
In Chinese, the expression 只好 zhǐhǎo is used to convey the idea that someone has no choice but to do something because it’s the only viable option or the best available solution in a given situation.
(S) + 只好 zhǐhǎo + V
No one wants to be the class representative, so we had to draw lots to decide.
The AC doesn’t work at home, so I had to stay at a coffee shop.
I forgot to refrigerate the milk, so it went bad, and I had to buy another one.
The restaurant said all the reservations for today are full, so we had to eat at a different place.
Because I couldn’t find a boyfriend, I had to live alone.
The company required overtime at the last minute, so I had to cancel the dinner with my friends.
Now all the restaurants are closed, so I’ll have to wait until dinner to eat.
In Taiwan, many restaurants have a break period between 2:00 or 2:30 PM until dinner service resumes at around 5:30 or 6:00 PM. This means that if you miss the lunchtime window, your options for a meal are often limited to coffee shops or convenience stores. It’s a common practice, especially in traditional eateries. However, not all restaurants follow this schedule, and some larger or international chains may offer continuous dining options throughout the day.
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✔️ My phone broke, so I had to take it for repair. I had to use my old one for now.
✔️ I missed the last bus, so I had to walk home.
✔️ I’ve gained weight recently, and my clothes don’t fit anymore, so I had to give them away.