Grammar Point:
The phrase 大概 dàgài is used in Chinese to express a sense of uncertainty or probability. It is commonly used to convey the idea that something might be the case but isn’t certain.
S + 大概 dàgài + V
You’ll probably call me around 8 o’clock tomorrow.
Yesterday’s party probably had about 30% foreigners.
Don’t listen to him, he’s probably just jealous of you.
My phone probably has only about half an hour left.
The typhoon is weakening, so there probably won’t be a typhoon day off tomorrow.
You missed 10 calls from your wife, you’ll probably have to explain at home.
The phrase 跪算盘 guì suànpán in Chinese is a humorous and slightly sarcastic slang phrase that conveys the idea of someone being in trouble, often due to making a mistake, doing something wrong, or encountering an unfavorable outcome. The literal translation of 跪算盘 guì suànpán is “kneel and count abacus,” which creates a vivid imagery of someone being in a submissive or apologetic posture while counting on an abacus, as if calculating their mistakes or wrongdoings. This phrase is used metaphorically to describe someone who may need to offer explanations, apologies, or make amends for their actions or decisions.
The elevator smells really bad, someone probably stepped on dog poop.
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✔️ I’ve been learning Chinese for about 5 years.
✔️ It takes about 7 minutes to walk to the café from here.
✔️ This taste is a bit off, I think it’s probably spoiled.