Grammar Point:
In Chinese grammar, the word “suddenly” can be translated as 突然 tūrán or 忽然 hūrán. These words are often used to indicate an unexpected or abrupt change or action.
忽然 hūrán
The word 忽然 hūrán is an adverb that functions solely as an adverbial modifier in a sentence. It should not be preceded by any adverb of degree. Its main purpose is to emphasize surprise or unpredictability, and it can also convey a feeling of suddenness or catching someone off guard.
After exercising, I suddenly became very hungry.
運動完我非常忽然餓运动完我非常忽然饿 ❌
(No adverb comes before 忽然 hūrán)
How it suddenly rained heavily.
I find you very scary in this moment (suddenly).
Oh! I just (suddenly) remembered that I forgot to buy eggs.
突然 tūrán
The word 突然 tūrán can function as both an adverb and an adjective. It means that 突然 tūrán can be used with the adverb 得 de or preceded by adverbs such as 很 hěn, 非常 fēicháng, 太 tài, etc., but not with 忽然 hūrán. This adjective implies a sudden change or action that occurs unexpectedly.
Things happened very sudden.
事情發生得很忽然事情发生得很忽然 ❌
(忽然 hūrán is not an adjective.)
The notice of termination from the company came too suddenly.
She suddenly wants to break up with me.
My period suddenly started.
In Chinese, there are various ways to describe 月经 yuèjīng (menstruation). A more formal term is 生理期 shēnglǐ qī (period), while among friends, it can be referred to as 好朋友 hǎo péngyou (good friend), 大姨妈 dà yímā (mother’s eldest sister), or simply saying 那个 nàge (that) followed by 来了 lái le (coming). It’s worth mentioning that in Taiwan, it is not considered inappropriate to tell male colleagues about one’s menstruation. Most Taiwanese people think menstruation as a normal phenomenon, similar to having a headache, and not something to be shy about. So, if your colleague asks why you look unwell, you can honestly respond that you’re experiencing discomfort due to your period. Some colleagues or friends may even offer you painkillers or hot chocolate to help alleviate your discomfort.
I just (suddenly) realized that I have an appointment tomorrow and can’t have dinner with you.
TouchHover over the space to see the answers.
✔️ Suddenly, he gets angry.
✔️ The snowfall was very sudden.
✔️ I just (suddenly) realized it.