Grammar Point:
The words 不过 búguò, 但是 dànshì, and 可是 kěshì can all be used to express the meaning of “but” in Chinese, but they have slight differences in usage and tone.
但是 dànshì
This is a common and versatile word used to express contrast or contradiction in both spoken and written language. It can also be shortened to 但 dàn, which is often used in slightly formal written contexts.
I really like dogs, but I’m not fond of children.
This dish is very spicy, but it’s delicious.
You’re a good person, but we can only be friends.
The term 好人卡 hǎorén kǎ in Chinese. It translates to “Good Person Card” in English. The “good person” culture is a subculture that emerged within internet culture since the 1990s. It’s all about dating and relationships. Basically, in this culture, if someone does brave, kind, and helpful things, they’re considered a “good person.” But here’s the twist: when a woman turns down a guy’s romantic advances, she may call him a “good person” but not someone she wants to date. That’s what they call “giving a good person card.” It’s kind of like the “nice guy” culture in the West.
The scenery in this place is beautiful, but the transportation is not very convenient.
可是 kěshì
This word is similar in meaning and usage to 但是 dànshì, but it is slightly more informal in comparison. It is also suitable for both spoken and written language. It can also be shortened to 可 kě, which is often used in slightly formal written contexts.
I want to travel, but I don’t have the time or money.
She wants to lose weight but never exercises.
Why do you eat so much but still stay slim?
I plan to retire, but my wife says no.
不過/不过 búguò
This word functions as a softer form of ‘but.’ It is often used in a more casual or informal context and can imply a lighter contrast.
This book is a bit expensive, but many people recommend it.
I also want to go to your party, but I really don’t want to see Tiffany.
Dogs are really cute, but they can still be a handful at times.
I can’t give you money, but I can teach you how to make money.
TouchHover over the space to see the answers.
✔️ I really want to drink bubble tea, but there are no shops nearby that sell it.
✔️ I feel like I’m catching a cold, but it’s not too severe.
✔️ I’m available tomorrow, but I can’t do it in the evening.