Grammar Point:
In Mandarin Chinese, the word “come” can be translated as 来 lái and the word go can be translated as 去 qù. These are commonly used verbs to indicate the action of coming or going towards the speaker.
If the verb’s action is moving closer to the speaker, 来 lái should be used. Conversely, if the verb’s action is moving away from the speaker, 去 qù should be used.

Go to Taiwan.
(The speaker is not in Taiwan now.)
Come to Taiwan.
(The speaker is in Taiwan now).
來/来 lái + place
Are you coming to my house this weekend?
Teacher Li didn’t come to school today.
I’m at the coffee shop, would you like to come?
歡迎來台灣玩欢迎来台湾玩 😇
Welcome to visit Taiwan.
Is he coming to my birthday party or not?
去 qù + place
I’m going to travel to China.
I don’t want to work at your company.
Why didn’t he go to the hospital?
I’ve noticed that many of my Western friends, especially Americans, sometimes feel hesitant about seeing a doctor in Taiwan. But let me assure you, going to the doctor here is totally affordable, even for foreigners. Without health insurance, getting an ultrasound, an X-ray, and receiving an injection won’t cost you more than $100 USD in total. And guess what? You don’t even need to make appointments months in advance and wait for ages! In Taiwan, you can simply walk into a hospital and get an appointment right away. Sure, there might be a bit of a wait, around 3 to 4 hours if you haven’t booked ahead, but hey, you’ll be able to see the doctor and get your health issues taken care of all in one day. So next time you’re feeling under the weather, don’t hesitate to visit the doctor. Trust me, it’s convenient and affordable here!
Are you going to her birthday party or not?
Where are you going?
TouchHover over the space to see the answers.
✔️ I go to the park every day with my dog.
✔️ But there are no handsome guys coming to the park.
✔️ Where should I go to find handsome guys?