Grammar Point:
In Chinese grammar, the word 别 bié is often used to express the concept of “don’t” or “stop.” It is commonly used to give commands, suggestions, or advice to someone.
别 bié + V or SV
Don’t run.
Don’t eat too much.
Don’t be nervous.
Don’t speak English in Chinese class.
Don’t overthink.
I know I’m beautiful, but don’t love me.
Don’t play innocent!
The Chinese slang 别装蒜 bié zhuāngsuàn literally translates to “don’t act like garlic.” It is used to tell someone not to pretend or act innocent when they are actually aware or knowledgeable about something.
The reason why 蒜 suàn, which means “garlic,” is used in this context is because that in ancient times, an emperor visited a certain region in the south during spring and praised the green and neatly grown garlic plants there. However, when he returned during winter, the garlic had not yet sprouted. To please the emperor, local officials had many narcissus plants (which resemble garlic leaves from a distance) transplanted together. The emperor, seeing the plants, praised them thinking they were garlic, and as a result, the officials were promoted.
Since then, people have used the term 装蒜 zhuāngsuàn to mock or ridicule those who pretend to be knowledgeable or deceive others. The phrase implies the act of imitating or pretending to be something one is not, similar to how the officials used the narcissus plants to deceive the emperor. It highlights the idea of faking knowledge or expertise for personal gain or to please someone in authority.
别 bié + V + 了
This structure also means “don’t” or “stop,” but it implies a change in the situation. It is used to urge someone to stop an ongoing action or to emphasize that the action should not be continued. The addition of 了 le is 了2, which indicates a change of current the situation.
Stop talking.
Stop crying.
Stop eating.
Stop making noise.
Stop studying! Chinese is too difficult!