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Linking sounds practice – 喔 / 喽 / 耶 / 嘛
You and your friend are going to attend a friend’s party. You are running out of time, but your friend is still making coffee…
👩🏻 : 快點(D)!快点(D)!
Hurry up!
A) 耶(ye)
B) 嘛(ma)
C) 哦(o)
D) 啦(la)
👧🏼 : 你知道我不喝咖啡會頭痛(A)你知道我不喝咖啡会头痛(A)
You know I get headaches when I don’t drink coffee.
A) 嘛(ma)
B) 嘍(lou)
C) 耶(ye)
D) 哇(wa)
👩🏻 :可是你真的很慢(A)!可是你真的很慢(A)!
But you’re really slow.
A) 欸(ei)
B) 嘛(ma)
C) 喔(o)
D) 啦(la)
👩🏻 : 你喝完再自己去,我先走(B)!你喝完再自己去,我先走(B)!
After you finish your coffee and then go by yourself. I’ll go first.
A) 嘛(ma)
B) 嘍(lou)
C) 耶(ye)
D) 啊(a)
👧🏼 : OK!等一下見(B)!OK!等一下见(B)! (with smile)
Ok! See you later!
A) 嘛(ma)
B) 喔(o)
C) 欸(ei)
D) 呀(ya)
Learn Again
- Final Particles 3 (哦 o, 喽 lou, 耶 ye and 嘛 ma)