Grammar Point:
数量补语 shùliàng bǔyǔ (Quantitative Complement) is also called the complement of quantity, which indicates the quantity, frequency, or duration of an action or state. In this article, we are going to talk about the frequency or quantity of an action or state. Chinese Duration Complement
Chinese Quantitative Complement
Duration Complements
Here, it’s important to note that duration and time are not the same. Duration refers to the length or span of time that an action takes, indicating whether the action happens continuously or repeatedly. It provides information about how long the action lasts.
S + V + Duration Complement
We took a 10-minute break.
I’ve been with this company for 17 years.
I traveled to Beijing for 9 days.
They have been married for 7 years, this is the most important year.
Hey, did you know there’s a Chinese idiom called 七年之痒 qīnián zhī yǎng? It’s like the “seven-year itch” in romantic relationships. According to this expression, after being together for about seven years, couples might start feeling a little restless or dissatisfied. It’s like a little tickle that makes them crave something new or exciting. This term is used to describe that moment in a long-term relationship when one or both partners might feel the need for a change or get tempted by other possibilities. So, if you have a Chinese partner, watch out for that “七年之痒 qīnián zhī yǎng”! 😉
When there is only “了1” in a sentence, it indicates that the action or event has been completed or finished. On the other hand, when there are “了2” in a sentence, it implies that the action started at a certain point in the past and continues until the present moment.
S + V + O + V + Duration Complement
I learn Chinese 5 days a week.
I have been watching this TV program for half a year.
S + V + O (People) + Duration Complement
When the object in a sentence is a noun that refers to a person or a pronoun, it is typically placed before the complement of duration.
I waited for him for more than half an hour.
Mom took care of the child for a day.
S + V + Duration Complement + (的) + O
When the verb in a sentence is a verb-object compound word, the complement can be placed between the verb and the object, and it can be used with or without 的 de.
He swam for 40 minutes.
Dad slept for 3 hours.
I only read 1 minute of Chinese, and then want to go to sleep.
Negation of the Duration Complements
Duration complement must be placed in front of negation words.
He got Covid, so he couldn’t come to work for 5 days.
My house plumbing is broken, so my house has been no water for 3 days.
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✔️ I’ve known Tiffany for 5 years.
✔️ She has to go to the Internet for 8 hours a day.
✔️ She can’t be without internet for 10 minutes.
- Quantitative Complements 1 (HSK 2)