Before we look up competition and season words in Chinese, I want to share with you an article. The author Alan is a famous headhunter who lived in Taiwan for several years. He mentioned a lot of different aspects of Taiwan that I had never thought about them. And for sure Taiwan is not the best country in the world. He probably can write another article about the 101 disadvantages in Taiwan, but he didn’t. So thank you for being nice to Taiwan.
101 Reasons why Taiwan is the best place in the world to live
Competition Words in Chinese
Simplify | China | Traditional | Taiwan | English | Korean | Japanese |
本领 | běnlǐng | 本領 | běnlǐng | Skill | 본령 | 本領 |
本事 | běnshì | 本事 | běnshì | Ability | 능력 | 能力 |
比赛 | bǐsài | 比賽 | bǐsài | Competition | 시합 | 試合 |
对手 | duìshǒu | 對手 | duìshǒu | Opponent | 호적수 | 好敵手 |
短处 | duǎnchù | 短處 | duǎnchù | Shortcoming | 약점 | 短所 |
缺点 | quēdiǎn | 缺點 | quēdiǎn | Disadvantage | 단점 | 欠点 |
长处 | chángchù | 長處 | chángchù | Strong point | 장점 | 長所 |
优点 | yōudiǎn | 優點 | yōudiǎn | Advantage | 장점 | 美点 |
优势 | yōushì | 優勢 | yōushì | Advantage | 우세 | 優勢 |
决赛 | juésài | 決賽 | juésài | Final | 결승전 | 決勝 |
金牌 | jīnpái | 金牌 | jīnpái | Gold medal | 금패 | 金牌 |
银牌 | yínpái | 銀牌 | yínpái | Silver medal | 은패 | 銀牌 |
铜牌 | tóngpái | 銅牌 | tóngpái | Bronze medal | 동패 | 銅牌 |
胜利 | shènglì | 勝利 | shènglì | Successful | 승리 | 勝利 |
能力 | nénglì | 能力 | nénglì | Ability | 능력 | 能力 |
目标 | mùbiāo | 目標 | mùbiāo | Target | 목표 | 目標 |
评价 | píngjià | 評價 | píngjià | Valuation | 평가 | 評価 |
选手 | xuǎnshǒu | 選手 | xuǎnshǒu | Athlete | 선수 | 選手 |
亚运会 | yàyùnhuì | 亞運會 | yǎyùnhuì | Asian Games | 아시안 게임 | アジアゲームズ |
優點/优点yōudiǎn and 優勢/优势 yōushì both English translations are advantage. 優點/优点yōudiǎn is just a favorable or desirable feature. 優勢/优势 yōushì is a condition or circumstance that puts one in a favorable or superior position.
Wǒ.zuìdà de yōudiǎn jiùshì yǒu nàixīn, dànshì zuìdà de quēdiǎn jiùshì dòngzuò màn.
Tiffany’s greatest strength is her patience, but her biggest weakness is her slowness.
Táiwān zài shìjiè de yōushì shì bàndǎotǐ de jìshù.
Taiwan’s advantage in the world is the technology of semiconductors.
Seasons in Chinese
Simplify | China | Traditional | Taiwan | English | Korean | Japanese |
春季 | chūnjì | 春季 | chūnjì | Spring | 봄철 | 春季 |
夏季 | xiàjì | 夏季 | xiàjì | Summer | 하계 | 夏季 |
秋季 | qiūjì | 秋季 | qiūjì | Autumn | 가을철 | 秋季 |
冬季 | dōngjì | 冬季 | dōngjì | Winter | 동계 | 冬季 |
季度 | jìdù | 季度 | jìdù | Quarter | 분기 | 四半期 |
季节 | jìjié | 季節 | jìjié | Season | 계절 | 季節 |
Wǒmen dì yī jìdù de yèjī búcuò, dàjiā xià yí jìdù yě yào jiāyóu!
We had a good first quarter! Let’s keep it for the next quarter too!
Sì gè jìjié lǐ, wǒ zuì xǐhuān qiūjì.
Sì gè jìjié lǐ, wǒ zuì xǐhuan qiūjì.
Autumn is my favorite of the four seasons.