Before we look up body parts and vehicle words in Chinese, I want to tell you a ridiculous fact. There are not many psychologists in Taiwan or China. Doing therapy is still considered if you have a terrible mental problem or you are psychotic in my parent’s generation. Since people usually would not share their experiences, it is hard to tell a psychologist what you googled on the internet is good or not. And also because there are only a small number of psychologists here, the charge can be very expensive.
Body Parts in Chinese
Simplify | China | Traditional | Taiwan | English | Korean | Japanese |
內心 | nèixīn | 內心 | nèixīn | Mind | 마음 | 心 |
骨头 | gǔtou | 骨頭 | gǔtóu | Bone | 뼈 | 骨 |
泪水 | lèishuǐ | 淚水 | lèishuǐ | Tears | 눈물 | 涙 |
眼泪 | yǎnlèi | 眼淚 | yǎnlèi | Teardrop | 눈물 | 涙 |
器官 | qìguān | 器官 | qìguān | Organ | 기관 | 器官 |
心理 | xīnlǐ | 心理 | xīnlǐ | Psychology | 심리 | 心理 |
胸部 | xiōngbù | 胸部 | xiōngbù | Chest | 흉부. 가슴 | 胸部 |
牙 | yá | 牙 | yá | Tooth | 이 | 歯 |
体重 | tǐzhòng | 體重 | tǐzhòng | Weight | 체중 | 体重 |
身高 | shēngāo | 身高 | shēngāo | Height | 신장. 키 | 身長 |
影子 | yǐngzi | 影子 | yǐngzi | Shadow | 그림자 | 影 |
精力 | jīnglì | 精力 | jīnglì | Energy | 정력 | 精力 |
力量 | lìliàng | 力量 | lìliàng | Power | 힘 | 力 |
肚子 | dùzi | 肚子 | dùzi | Stomach | 복부 | 腹部 |
头脑 | tóunǎo | 頭腦 | tóunǎo | Brains | 두뇌 | 頭脳 |
Wǒ xǐhuān chī méiyǒu gǔtou de zhà jī.
Wǒ xǐhuan chī méiyǒu gǔtou de zhá jī.
I like to eat fried chicken with no bones.
Māma de nèixīn yǒu hěnduō fánnǎo, suǒyǐ tā juédìng qù kàn xīnlǐ yīshēng.
Mom had a lot of inner worries, so she decided to see a psychologist.
Vehicle in Chinese
Simplify | China | Traditional | Taiwan | English | Korean | Japanese |
机器 | jīqì | 機器 | jīqì | Machine | 기계 | 機械 |
高速公路 | gāosùgōnglù | 高速公路 | gāosùgōnglù | Freeway | 고속도로 | 高速道路 |
铁路 | tiělù | 鐵路 | tiělù | Railroad | 철도 | 鉄道 |
巴士 | bāshì | 巴士 | bāshì | Bus | 버스 | バス |
航空 | hángkōng | 航空 | hángkōng | Fly | 항공 | 航空 |
航班 | hángbān | 航班 | hángbān | Flight number | 운행표 | フライト |
高铁 | gāotiě | 高鐵 | gāotiě | High speed rail | 고속철도 | 高速鉄道 |
列车 | lièchē | 列車 | lièchē | Train | 열차 | 列車 |
轮船 | lúnchuán | 輪船 | lúnchuán | Steamship | 기선 | 汽船 |
列車/列车 lièchē and 火車/火车 huǒchē both translate into train in English, but 列車/列车 lièchē has a broader definition. It incloudes Metro, subway, skytrain, and train. 火車/火车 huǒchē is only for train.
Lièchē jíjiāng jìn zhàn, qǐng xiǎoxīn!
The train is about to enter the station, please be careful!
Wǒ de hángbān yánwùle 3 gè xiǎoshí.
My flight was delayed 3 hours.