Before we look up the school words in Chinese, let me ask you a question. Do you know how many 漢字/汉字 hànzì are in the Chinese language? The answer is more than 80,000 characters. Sounds crazy, right? But there is no reason to learn that many characters because even a native speaker can not recognize 80,000 characters. According to the study, Chinese students that have finished high school know about 4,500 characters. A well-educated Chinese people know anywhere around 8,000 characters.
If you want to understand the menu and some basic instructions on daily life, you just need 800 characters. If you want to know what is going on on TV, on the radio, or in the newspapers, 3,500 characters are covered 92% of it.
Part 1 School Words in Chinese
Simplify | China | Traditional | Taiwan | English | Korean | Japanese |
语法 | yǔfǎ | 文法 | wénfǎ | Grammar | 문법 | 文法 |
书法 | shūfă | 書法 | shūfă | Calligraphy | 서도 | 書道 |
班 | bān | 班 | bān | Class | 반 | 班 |
课 | kè | 課 | kè | Lesson | 수업 | 授業 |
高中 | gāozhōng | 高中 | gāozhōng | High school | 고등학교 | 高等学校 |
汉字 | hànzì | 漢字 | hànzì | Chinese character | 한자 | 漢字 |
练习 | liànxí | 練習 | liànxí | Practice | 연습 | 練習 |
解释 | jiěshì | 解釋 | jiěshì | Explain | 해석 | 解釈 |
成绩 | chéngjì | 成績 | chéngjī | Grade | 성적 | 成績 |
报告 | bàogào | 報告 | bàogào | Report | 보고 | レポート |
作业 | zuòyè | 作業 | zuòyè | Homework | 숙제 | 宿題 |
作文 | zuòwén | 作文 | zuòwén | Composition | 작문 | 作文 |
Búshì měige Zhōngguó rén dōu néng jiěshì Zhōngwén wénfǎ.
Búshì měige Zhōngguó rén dōu néng jiěshì Hànyǔ yǔfǎ.
Not every Chinese person can explain Chinese grammar.
報告/报告 bàogào
This word can be both noun and verb.
Wǒ zhè zhōumò yào qù péngyǒujiā tǎolùn bàogào.
Wǒ zhè zhōumò yào qù péngyoujiā tǎolùn bàogào.
I’m going to a friend’s house this weekend to discuss the report.
Zhè jiàn shì nǐ xūyào gēn lǎobǎn bàogào.
You need to report this to your boss.
Part 2 School Words in Chinese
Simplify | China | Traditional | Taiwan | English | Korean | Japanese |
暑假 | shŭjià | 暑假 | shŭjià | Summer vocation | 여름 방학 | 夏休み |
寒假 | hánjià | 寒假 | hánjià | Winter vocation | 겨울 방학 | 冬休み |
假期 | jiàqī | 假期 | jiàqí | vocation | 방학 | 休み |
学期 | xuéqī | 學期 | xuéqí | Semester | 학기 | 学期 |
学费 | xuéfèi | 學費 | xuéfèi | Tuition | 학비 | 学費 |
尺 | chǐ | 尺 | chǐ | Rule | 자 | 尺 |
铅笔 | qiānbǐ | 鉛筆 | qiānbǐ | Pencil | 연필 | 鉛筆 |
笔记 | bǐjì | 筆記 | bǐjì | Note | 메모 | メモ |
笔记本 | bǐjìběn | 筆記本 | bǐjìběn | Notebook | 공책 | ノート |
字典 | zìdiǎn | 字典 | zìdiǎn | Dictionary | 자전 | 字典 |
书桌 | shūzhuō | 書桌 | shūzhuō | Desk | 책상 | 机 |
Táiwān de xuéxiào yǒu liǎngge xuéqí,shàngxuéqí gēn xià xuéqí.
Táiwān de xuéxiào yǒu liǎngge xuéqī,shàngxuéqī gēn xià xuéqī.
Schools in Taiwan have two semesters, the first semester and the second semester.
Rúguǒ nǐ yǒu búhuì de zì,kěyǐ qù chá zìdiǎn.
If you have a word that you don’t know, you can look it up in the dictionary.
A2 School Words