Before we talk about family words in Chinese, let me tell you a fun fact. In the traditional Chinese family, each person has their role. Elders were supposed to be respected and followed unquestioningly, so we always need to ask their opinion first. Working-age adults have to work hard to provide for all. Take care of both elder and young family members. Children had no authority over their own life and decisions were always made for them (in the past, not now). Youngsters were taught and prepared to serve their elders.
However, nowadays since many families have only one child. The kid becomes the little emperor (小皇帝 xiǎohuángdì) at home. Those kids can always get the best clothes, toys, and food. They are easy to upset if anything they expect did not happen. Meanwhile, they also bear the burden of heavy expectations from their parents.
Family Words in Chinese
Simplify | China | Traditional | Taiwan | English | Korean | Japanese |
家庭 | jiātíng | 家庭 | jiātíng | Family | 가족 | 家族 |
父亲 | fùqīn | 父親 | fùqīn | Father | 아버지 | お父さん |
母亲 | mǔqīn | 母親 | mǔqīn | Mother | 어머니 | お母さん |
父母 | fùmŭ | 父母 | fùmŭ | Parents | 부모님 | 両親 |
爷爷 | yéye | 爺爺 | yéye | Grandfather | 할아버지 | おじいさん |
奶奶 | nǎinai | 奶奶 | nǎinai | Grandmother | 할머니 | おばあさん |
关系 | guānxi | 關係 | guānxī | Relationship | 관계 | 関係 |
自己 | zìjǐ | 自己 | zìjǐ | Myself | 자신 | 自分 |
別人 | biérén | 別人 | biérén | Other people | 다른 사람 | 他の人 |
大人 | dàrén | 大人 | dàrén | Adult | 성인 | 大人 |
老人 | lǎorén | 老人 | lǎorén | Old people | 노인 | 老人 |
年纪 | niánjì | 年紀 | niánjì | Age | 나이 | 年齢 |
The difference between 父親/父亲 fùqīn and 爸爸 bàba
父親/父亲 fùqīn is a formal title for father
爸爸 bàba is a conversation word. It is the word we use to call our father in daily life.
8 yuè 8 rì shì Táiwān de fùqīnjié.
August 8 is Father’s Day in Taiwan.
自己 zìjǐ
Wǒ juéde zìjǐ chīfàn yě hěnhǎo.
I think it’s good to eat on your own.
Wǒ de gǒu chángcháng zìjǐ wán de hěn kāixīn.
My dog often have fun by itself.
Clothing Words in Chinese
Simplify | China | Traditional | Taiwan | English | Korean | Japanese |
大衣 | dàyī | 大衣 | dàyī | Coat | 코트 | コート |
牛仔裤 | niúzǎikù | 牛仔褲 | niúzǎikù | Jean | 청바지 | ジーンズ |
雨衣 | yŭyī | 雨衣 | yŭyī | Raincoat | 레인코트 | レインコート |
內衣 | nèiyī | 內衣 | nèiyī | Underwear (top) | 속옷 | 下着 |
帽子 | màozi | 帽子 | màozi | Hat / Cap | 모자 | 帽子 |
皮包 | píbāo | 皮包 | píbāo | Bag | 가방 | バッグ |
外套 | wàitào | 外套 | wàitào | Coat / Jacket | 재킷 / 잠바 | 上着 |
毛衣 | máoyī | 毛衣 | máoyī | Sweater | 스웨터 | セーター |
衬衫 | chènshān | 衬衫 | chènshān | Shirt | 셔츠 | シャツ |
表 | biǎo | 手錶 | shǒubiǎo | Watch | 시계 | 時計 |
Zhè jiàn wàitào tài dà le,yǒuméiyǒu xiǎo yìdiǎn de?
This coat is too big, is there a smaller one?
Wǒ xiǎng mǎi yìdǐng màozi,nǐ yǒu tuījiàn de ma?
I want to buy a hat, do you have a recommendation?
A2 Family and clothing