Grammar Point:The word 重新 chóngxīn in Chinese can be translated to “again,” “anew,” or “re-” in English. It is often used to indicate the repetition or renewal of an action or state. Structure S + 重新 chóngxīn + V 請qǐng重新chóngxīn啟動qǐdòng電腦diànnǎo请qǐng重新chóngxīn启动qǐdòng电脑diànnǎoPlease restart the computer. 忘掉wàngdiào過去guòqù, 我們wǒmen重新chóngxīn開始kāishǐ好hǎo嗎ma? 忘掉wàngdiào过去guòqù, 我们wǒmen重新chóngxīn开始kāishǐ好hǎo吗ma? Can we start over and forget the past?…