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the characters and pinyin
HSK3 Reading Practice
Offer HSK3 Mandarin Chinese reading materials, encompassing simplified and traditional characters, Pinyin, English translations, and comprehension questions, all available for free practice.
Characters Only (Traditional & Simplified)
ài zìjǐ hěn zhòngyào! bù xūyào qù tǎohǎo biérén, yě búyào zǒngshì zàihū biérén duì nǐ de kànfǎ. dāng nǐ kāixīn, xǐhuan zìjǐ de yàngzi, biérén cái huì xǐhuan nǐ. rúguǒ yǒurén bù xǐhuan nǐ, nà yě méiguānxi, yīnwèi měi ge rén dōu shì tèbié de, dōu yǒu zìjǐ de yōudiǎn hé jiàzhí. nǐ kěyǐ wèile nǐ ài de rén zuò yìdiǎndiǎn de gǎibiàn, dàn nǐ bù yīnggāi yīnwèi biérén de xǐhào jiù fǒudìng zìjǐ. xiāngxìn zìjǐ, yǒnggǎn zuò zhēnshí de nǐ, xiǎngshòu shēnghuó de měi yì fēnzhōng. jìzhù, nǐ shì zhídé bèi hǎohǎo duìdài de, ér zhège hǎohǎo duìdài, shǒuxiān jiù yào cóng zìjǐ kāishǐ.
討好讨好 – To please or flatter someone
在乎在乎 – To care about.
優點优点 – Strengths or advantages
價值价值 – Value
否定否定 – To deny or negate
真實真实 – Real or authentic
自信自信 – Confidence
享受享受 – To enjoy or savor
值得值得 – Worth it. It refers to something being deserving of effort, time, or resources.
對待对待 – To treat or deal with
首先首先 – First of all
English Translation

Loving yourself is so important! You don’t need to please everyone or constantly worry about what others think of you. When you’re happy and love who you are, others will like you too. And if someone doesn’t like you, that’s okay—everyone is unique and has their own strengths and value. It’s fine to make small changes for the people you care about, but you should never lose yourself just to meet someone else’s expectations. Believe in yourself, be brave, and stay true to who you are. Enjoy every moment of life, and remember—you deserve to be treated well, starting with how you treat yourself.