Here’s how Chinese expresses decimal, fraction, percentage, and multiple:
小数 xiǎoshù: In Chinese, decimals are expressed using the same format as in English, with a decimal point. If the digits after the decimal point exceed two, we read them individually.
0.5: 零點五零点五
12.25: 十二點二五十二点二五
3.724: 三點七二四三点七二四
72.0029: 七十二點零零二九七十二点零零二九
分数 fēnshù: To express fractions in Chinese, you combine the numerator 分子, fēnzǐ and the denominator 分母 fēnmǔ with 分之 fēnzhī. If there is also a whole number part, you use 又 yòu to connect the whole number part and the fraction part.
2/3: 三分之二三分之二
1/5: 五分之一五分之一
2 1/2: 二又二分之一二又二分之一
18 3/5: 十八又五分之三十八又五分之三
百分比 bǎifēnbǐ: In Chinese, percentages are expressed by adding the character 百分之 bǎifēnzhī before the number. In Taiwan, it’s commonly referred to as “pa.”
25%: 百分之二十五百分之二十五 or 二十五二十五%%
72%: 百分之七十二百分之七十二 or 七十二七十二%%
0.5%: 百分之零點五百分之零点五 or 零點五零点五%%
倍数 bèishù: Multiples are expressed using the character 倍 bèi after the number.
2 times: 兩倍两倍
4 times: 四倍四倍
2.5 times: 二點五倍二点五倍
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✔️ The original price is NTD 100. It is now discounted by 20%. What is the discounted price compared to the original price?
百分之八十百分之八十 or 八十%八十%
✔️ You know 800 Chinese words, and I know 4800. How many times more words do I know than you?